23 Commentaires

  1. Also the first time i took nutmeg, i feel asleep and slept for 12 hours straight, forgot everything that happened in the night and woke up and just felt super stoned. My eyes were so red and i was just absolutely gone and i felt so happy i literally couldnt stop smiling. Absolutely trippin balls for the whole day. I started to remember things from the night and stuff and pretty sure i was having hallucinations and stuff.
    also i felt a little bit off but my nausea wasnt really that bad at all, i think it depends on how you take it and its also very personal like i feel like everyone has a different experience with it.
    for me i just felt stoned and happy for almost two days and it was great.
    ive taken smaller amounts too and it just got me a little high and happy, like everything just seems so beautiful.
    but thats only my experience and you dont really know how its gonna go for u

  2. If ur gonna do nutmeg, best way ive found is:
    • get whole nutmeg and use a nutmeg grater to turn it into a powder
    • find the right dose for u, weigh it out
    • put the powder into capsules so u can swallow it as pills, this is literally the easiest way and i find reduces nausea.
    • (also take it at a good time and in a good place)

    There are also ways to extract the active components of nutmeg (myristicin) but like yeah…

  3. Bro I've been high on nutmeg like 3 or 4 times back in high-school not sure where I got the idea from but me and friend went to the 99 cent store got those cheap 1 dollar nutmeg bags and we grinded up the nutmeg into a powder and poured it into water or something and we got upnearly before school and took it at like 4am and by the time we went to school like an hour in we were so fucking high cause it takes like 3 or 4 hours to kick it and you stay high for like 2 or 3 days it's crazy I got the spins and all that, would not recommend to anyone at all tho

  4. over 2 years from this video made and im watching it now, the trip sounds cool but id say nty just cuz of the stomach pain, I have enough of that already lol

  5. Any ways I just grounded 2 whole nuts, 5,4 grams of nutmeg and drank it with hot water.
    I will update if there are any effects
    1 hour has been passed and no effects so far so I decided to take another nut which is 2,2 grams so in total I ingested 7,6 grams.
    2 hours have been passed, still don’t feel anything.
    3 hours still nothing….
    4 hours still nothing I don’t believe it will have any effect.

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