40 Commentaires

  1. Between a women and opiates I choose opiates! They are way cheaper and makes you feel way better! I was a functional opiate addicted but the withdrawal is so crap and the tolerance is building so quickly I gave up!

  2. Shout out yo eveeyone strugglig eith addiction, just knoenya can make it thru as all of us recovered addicts can and have proven to the world the impossible is infact possible! Love yas all keep ga head up

  3. How much longer will legislators ignorantly and arrogantly continue in their vain attempt to outlaw what constitutes a medical condition, mercilessly compounding and adding to the detriment of those suffering from addiction?

  4. I never really thought about the stigma of using H and how if it was destigmatized it would be beneficial and easier to get help. I notice it now that now I'm clean several years and still ashamed about bringing it up so really none of my coworkers know, and push away a lot of my friends cuz instead of just explaining that I can't drink cuz i'm in recovery I just say "nah I don't want to drive" out there or some other bs excuse. i've gotten better at it recently but definitely still feel quite a bit of shame

  5. When you seek to evaluate the first man with respect to his engagement in social/romantic relationships, you need to better consider that many men currently suffer from loneliness or are not seen as the type of partners that many women would be interested in. Therefore, it is possible that this man (or others like him) were not really sacrificing, but instead were just finding another pathway to what they considered happiness. I don't have much stake in this game either way, but before we put in opinion-based judgments on any of these users, it might serve to include more of the footage that supplies background information.

  6. I dont agree with the whole premise of this video which is trying to push the narrative that people can function on heroin… Your making a video about .000001% of the heroin addicts. The other 99.9999% cannot function as a normal person

  7. Its kind of ironic because these people have no idea the nightmare they will face within time .. Just wait til one of your dealers ends up getting fucked over or his regular shipment doesn't come in & it's a drought all in your city .. I wonder how long you'll last once the WD start later on the same day you last used . Just speaking facts this "functioning" is only temporary my friend

  8. Drug use is often about escaping our natural lows. I always say that drugs are for perpetual kids who don't want to grow up. It's a rush, but can you truly be 'functioning'? Because deep down, you'll always rely on these drugs just to get out of bed. They ruin your veins they may at the beginning make you more kind, but this is a feeling we all have innately but often forget in our hectic lives. We can rediscover it; we just need to reconnect with our true selves. What's the point of depleting your perfectly functioning brain of its neurons for one high, only to feel like death during the comedown?

  9. So was Matt a user or not. You left it confusing. I’m thinking you had all the footage on Matt and then he quit and weren’t willing to film again. You could have just not added that bit about quitting to keep the footage honest. Sorry. It distracts me from the whole story

  10. My coworker said he transferred his job to Baltimore, MD and all his new coworkers lived with their parents and spent all their salary on drugs. He said everyone he worked with was clearly under the influence. I'm not going to say which company he worked for. Chances are if you went to Baltimore to do business, you already know who it is. I guess it's better than having all the addicts on the street. I guess they figure stick them all in a cubicle somewhere.

  11. I dated a functional H user. She was a very socially and emotionally intelligent person. Didn’t know she used until she told me. I believe most psychoactive substances have a positive place within the human condition, as long as the person partaking is educated on how the substance affects the human body/mind.

  12. Was addicted to heroin for over 8 years. Also suffered severe depression. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms. After trying out a psilocybin treatment. I will be 3 years clean. Psilocybin treatment actually saved me from depression and addiction. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

  13. Heroin is sacred. But Fentanyl sucks. The buzz is totally different – and Darker.. so much. If it doesn't kill you instantly, you'll barely feel it 30 min. later. Real Afghan gunpowder smack, like we had in the old days,would keep you right next-door Heaven (but not crossing That Line, unless you're careless/inexperienced..) for 2 solid hours at least. Ah nostalgia. What a shame

  14. The other side of this is that if you are a heroin user who is undercover and largely functional and it gets out it can absolutely destroy your life. Getting found out often pushes people out of work and onto the streets I've seen it happen a bunch of times and it can be a single screw up that in no way impacts anyone, just the hate associated with being a heroin addict, people won't really see anything else.

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