25 Commentaires

  1. Update on KIWI one year anniversary on fenbendazole and his calcium level returned to normal. He's happy, usual routine and eating so much better than before med. I'm so grateful for the extra time we have had with him!

  2. Where do I get this dewormer, I just found out my two year old Siberian husky has cancer,
    The vet removed tumor from under his neck and said bring him back in two weeks to watch him because some of the cancers come back with a vengeance very aggressive so I need to know where to get this dewormer ASAP

  3. I am taking fenben and so far 5th day out of 10 i have regained some strength the ability to slightly taste and slightly smell again from 6 years ago from having lymph node cancer that made it's way up into my skull radiation saved me chemo almost killed me but 5 days ago i started taking these 222mg pills after eating at night and the first night the next day and all so far have been amazing still not 100 % back yet but got my senses back and my saliva glands started working on the third night lots is going great i have gained 2 pounds in 3 days and that's huge for me just saying

  4. Thank you! Grate video and very informative. Anyone who wishes to learn more about cancer and treatment of it there is a group Truth About Cancer and they have a lot of members who have knowledge how to deal with this disease. I truly hope that everyone who has this illness will get through it and never get it again, God bless you all. This group that I wrote about is on social media platform fb. Good luck to you all.

  5. Know several people with cancer. Last year a close friend's son died of brain cancer. His wife is currently suffering with pancreatic cancer. I'm sick about the loss of my friend's son, but will forward this to her as perhaps her daughter-in-law may be saved. Please send me a copy of your free book.

  6. The 5th or 6th time I took fenbendazole for a 4-5 day stretch (over more than a one year period) I perhaps increased the dosage too much and quickly, on the 4th day, started losing a lot of hair. Almost went bald and also affected beard, decreasing growth and making stubble tender to touch. I have found references for albendazole causing hair loss but not fenbendazole. They are very closely related. Otherwise I felt fine.

  7. but he seemed a little sicker, but before the three days off started I lost the packets, couldn't find more at any of my local pet stores. I did find ivermectin and after the 3 days started him on this. His health and vigor seemed to come back right away altho I gave him decreased doses. But the tumor seemed unaffected. it ran out I got a call from my pet supply store, who had a new supply of the fenbendazole by a company called Safe-Gard. Started with diminished doses but before the 3rdday Rocky started to lag. However, the tumor itself started shrinking immediately, and started to dry out. With each day Rocky worse, and the tumor kept shrinking. I refused to give him more of the med but he continued lag to the point of not eating and barely able to walk. He died last Monday in my arms. I write to say this – I don't know if it was the brand, because it did definitely shrink the tumor but it also sapped away Rocky's health. It was granulated and I reduced the dosage dramatically because of Rockys size and would only use a few granules because Rocky didn't eat that much and the taste did not bother him. Maybe this brand could be checked for dosage quantities and strength. No more than 15 granules was too much for Rocky. Thanks for listening and I do enjoy your Videos. I have 2 other pets, both Pitties.

  8. Hi Doc – My Rocky (Papillion), about 12 pounds was diagnosed with cancer in later March. The tumor protruded from his backside and continued to grow. He was diagnosed by a shelter doctor who examined him when he ran away and volunteered to remove the tumor until he 'looked' closer and determined it to be cancer. He refused to try to remove it because of Rocky's age even though he said my pup was in very good health otherwise s (sound heart, good teeth and limbs). Rocky was going on 14, but looked much younger than he was which was why the vet initially said he would do the removal. I took Rocky home. He was kind of traumatized y being in the shelter, but bounced back in a week or so. Then I saw your video. Initially I tried the fenbendazole sp

  9. Hi everyone I have a 10 year old golden retriever who was diagnosed with lung cancer and I been watching this video of Dr. Jones explaining the dewormer panacur and I want to know if anyone used it on their dog and what was the outcome and directions on how to use it if someone could please let me know

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