39 Commentaires

  1. I have a question! My vet prescribed anti viral drops Idoxuridine. It has not worked and his eye is so red! I’m thinking it’s bacterial at this point. Will the honey become sticky with the tea?

  2. Hi doctor I want to ask, my kittens have this really bad conjunctivitis which their eyes are already swollen and red and sometimes bleeding, it cannot see anything and since I’m having a difficulty to bring them to vet because I live in rural area and i don’t have transport it really2 hard to go out, what do I need to do ? I already try the green tea just to see for one day sadly it becomes worse I’m scared to put anything, before this I try some eye ointment but don’t work as well, some recover but one of has a really2 bad condition, I’m scared she will go blind 😭😭😭

  3. A couple of days ago, I had a very irritated right eye, after some eyedrops and a couple of days later I felt fine, however I just today noticed my cats left eye, her pupil was a little slit, but her right eye was a bigger and more round , i now see her laying down and just squinting her eye, no meowing or scratching or anything over the top, but google said it might be brain damage :/, any help?

  4. Who says herpes virus has no cure and permanent treatment? Let me introduce you all to Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my partner and I from Genital Herpes infection with his natural herbal medication.

  5. Also I only had green tea with spearmint and caffeine. I had honey too. (I ended up using only honey with warm tap water) however, I’d send warnings to people who don’t know what’s toxic to cats in certain green tea bag’s. If I was an idiot and didn’t look that up first I could’ve hurt my kitty. Spearmint and many other things are TOXIC sometimes FATAL to a cat. Check your tea bag’s make sure there’s nothin extra🤗

  6. Hi Dr.Andrew, can I ask if I can still use this home remedy(The honey treatment) To treat my Cat's eye?
    The other day i check my cat's eye and found something wrong about it,his third eyelid is showing and covering
    Half(not actually half but almost) of his both eyes that is unlikely unusual to me😢😔I very appreciate and love your Videos
    Sir thanks for helping us♥️

  7. Hi Dr Andrew, I appreciate this video and treatment information! My fur baby has something wrong with his eyes and I need to bring him to the vet but I would like to try one of your suggestions first. If he has conjunctivitis is there a color that his eye would be leaking? His is light brown, is that something that I should be concerned about?

  8. thank you doc you’re a great man you’re helping me save a beautiful baby kitty i named risky as she was born on my roof as 1 of 3 but she was the only one who went over the ledge where we found her under my truck suffering a few weeks ago but i have gave her prescription meds for this whole time and it has done good we jus need it to clear up fully and with your tips i trust she will be great in a week

  9. Somebody dropped off 3 kittens in my friends garage today the little orange guy had a swollen watery eye. I'm gonna try this green tea honey mix and hopefully it helps him . Seems its helped alot of people

  10. Hello, my cat, Prism, has had an eye issue for almost three weeks.

    In the past few years she would occasionally squint for a few hours here and there and I assumed it was just an eyelash, but there were no issues and no sign of irritation other than the squinting and it would go away on it's own.   

    About three weeks ago her left eyelid became puffy and she would rub it with her paw.  I wiped away any debris and used either a cloth or kleenex.  It seemed to clear up on it's own after a day, then came back.  Then cleared up and came back again.  Then her right eye started doing the same thing.  Meanwhile her left eye had gone back to normal. I started letting her on the balcony a month ago now that it's warmer, and so i thought it might be allergies, but she was making it worse with her pawing.

    On May 3 I woke up and heard her frantically scratching at the foot of my bed.  Her right 'eyebrow' was incredibly watery and swollen.  Her actual eyelids are naturally black so it's difficult to see if they're red.  Her eyeballs themself have been fine other than the redness in the white part of her eye, but only after she's been rubbing them.

    I tried to buy eyedrops but I couldn't get a straight answer from the staff at the store about which drops are preservative free. I made saline using distilled water and non-iodized salt and cotton balls as a dropper. I've used them sparingly and I've made her wear an Elizabethan collar when the irritation flares up so that she can't scratch.

    Her right eye pretty much cleared up by the early evening, until she woke up after a long nap and started squinting again.  I put the cone on for the night and sometime that night she managed to get the cone off and in the morning i found her curled up and her right eye swollen shut.  I feel like it would've cleared up on it's own if she had stopped rubbing it, because her left eye had been fine for almost a week. 

    Her right eye was worse then her left was, and it seems to flare up after she sleeps, and clears up after she's been awake for awhile.

    She's been fine otherwise.  No hiding or anything and her energy and appetite hasn't changed.  She sleeps a lot but that's normal for her.  She can't do much with the cone on though, but it's the right size so she can still eat, drink and use the litter, and she has been eating and drinking consistently.  

    For a week now it seemed to have cleared up and she's not squinting anymore, but she's still rubbing both her eyebrows until they're watery and flushed. The hair has thinned and she's been using her back paw to scratch as well. At first she responded well to the eyedrops and collar, but now she's getting really annoyed.

    I'm thinking of using the polysporin pink eye drops you've suggested. I've looked up photos of conjunctivitis online and Prisms eyes aren't nearly as bad as what I saw, nor are they even as bad as the cat in your video. But this has been worrying me a lot and I'm reluctant to let her out on the balcony. And I'm worried to even let her out of my sight in case she rubs or scratches too hard and does some real damage. Whenever I think it's finally cleared up, she rubs either eye again and then we're back to square one with the drops and collar.

    Sorry for the long comment. Will the polysporin be ok if it's not conjunctivitis and will the preservatives and other added ingredients aggravate it at all?

  11. What if there is excessive sneezing with the runny eyes? Happened twice after my cat had been attacked by one of the feral cats living next door to me. How many outdoor cats is too many? My neighbor must have thirty feral cats they are feeding. I am seriously thinking about turning them in to Animal Control.

  12. I'm going to try this. I just took my cat to the vet 3 weeks ago and spend an arm and a leg for his respiratory infection. Now he has an infected eye. I can't afford another bill. Mama is going to get Kitty well 🙂.

  13. I just bought every remedy you suggested on amazon with rush delivery tomorrow. Normally I don't bother with treating eye watering because it happens so often and always goes away. But I'm afraid my cat may have caught it from another infected cat and I want to sure it's taken care of. There's no redness or swelling, just eye watering, so hopefully she'll be ok.

  14. Thank you so much for your video! Few weeks ago my cat's left eye had conjunctivitis and it lasted for almost 2 weeks. Few days ago my cat's right eye had the same symptoms. I stumble upon your video and I took the advice and used Polysporin Pink Eye and it healed in just under 4 days. Without your video and advice she would've had to suffer for another week or so. On top of all this the vet bill could've cost hundreds. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!

  15. THANK YOU! I would venture to say 9/10 websites on “how to help your pet” only say “TAKE YOUR PET TO A VET” 500 times per article. It is unbelievably annoying.

    This video is incredibly helpful, thank you.

  16. Thank you for this advice, will start black tea treatment, I was just given a kitten around 7 months old she is a Turkish angora, 1 blue eye n 1 yellow eye but she has conjunctivitis by the looks of it, n they look so sore god love her, I hope this works for her 💙

  17. Sir I am from Bangladesh!!
    My cat is suffering from eye problem. My countries vet can't diagnosis that.

    Can you help me Sir.
    Please provide me your Email address I will sent photo and details

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