These Philter’s are SO handy for on the go stealthy vaping! I’ve reviewed plenty of carbon filters over the years, but this one is a … Check on YouTube
You should check out CBD Hemp Buds if you haven't. I completely stopped all regular THC Cannabis after 6 years of daily use and now exclusively smoke Hemp (which is basically just Cannabis with less than 0.3% THC. I love it.
I have been going through some major bouts of nausea and vomiting and something told me to click on this vid and just you describing your “gp” attack makes me wonder if maybe you are experiencing CHS. Let me know please if you have heard from doctors about this because I need help myself. I have been using concentrates for depression for about a year and a half straight and have dabbed daily. Recently I have developed these insane bouts of severe nausea/vomiting. The doctors dont really know what’s going on, but they have instructed me to stop ingesting any cannabinoids period. I am going to try this to see if my symptoms improve, but i would appreciate some of your own feedback from your experience
Have you tried treating yourself with Weedborn CBD products?
I know Weedborn has solutions to most diseases.
I think I will be continuing my CBD treatment. I was just given CBD products from Weedborn and I feel so much better these days : D
I cured myself. I used Weedborn CBD products for this.
I think I will be continuing my CBD treatment. I was just given CBD products from Weedborn and I feel so much better these days : D
I am absolutely certain that the best CBD is on the Weedborn site.
If you want to cure your illness, you will find good CBD products on the Weedborn website.
Does this help you sleep. I've been prescribed so many sleep and anti depressants medications that don't work and give me bad side effects.
Does hemp seed oil have cbd ?
I shit I just took 150mg nothing i can do about it now it was one gummy said take one per day… wtf
No need for the bad language, ok!
Bruh I just ate two puches of CBD gummies. If I dont feel anything I swear Im not taking these anymore.
Weed definitely helps my anxiety and depression . Lmao I feel so fuckin happy and normal . I take my medication once to twice a day 🙁
Try Mile High Cure 50mg gummies
Good video, but after trying Edens Herbals CBD Gummies it is a little hard to want anything else. I'll give them a shot I guess.
I haven’t cbd flower that really works unless u know any?? U said u smoke cbd cigs here and there
you’re are amazing man x
Do not take the thc out of my cbd products.
we miss you josh
add me on Snapchat: SeshOg420 for some bomb bong clips and other funny shit
what exactly is GP?
homie gained some weight :/
I watched you years ago. I’m confused, I was sure you had more subs
I… uh… welcome back, I guess?
Hope you're doing ok. I miss your videos.
Hey Josh, could you do a hemp flower review. They got CBG flower on the market now too
Annnnnnnnnnnd he’s gone
So how's the uploading going man?
Am I high or is Josh wearing a nose ring in this podcast?? 😂😂
Make a video on a recycler 😭 those look amazing. I love them haha
Hope your doing good bro haven’t posted in a while
anyone else genuinely concerned by his lack of content? It's been over a month
Sucks that weed tube channels are pretty much dead. Strain central just never recovered
Good to see you back man.
You should check out CBD Hemp Buds if you haven't. I completely stopped all regular THC Cannabis after 6 years of daily use and now exclusively smoke Hemp (which is basically just Cannabis with less than 0.3% THC. I love it.
u meme
Forgot about this channel for a little. Very happy i found it again.
hope ur okay!!
your channel has really gone down hill since it first got deleted and your content is lacking in what it used to be
Hemp doesn't do shit, been proven… stop pushing it
ETA to #COPPA channel deletion in 9… 8… 7…
I have been going through some major bouts of nausea and vomiting and something told me to click on this vid and just you describing your “gp” attack makes me wonder if maybe you are experiencing CHS. Let me know please if you have heard from doctors about this because I need help myself. I have been using concentrates for depression for about a year and a half straight and have dabbed daily. Recently I have developed these insane bouts of severe nausea/vomiting. The doctors dont really know what’s going on, but they have instructed me to stop ingesting any cannabinoids period. I am going to try this to see if my symptoms improve, but i would appreciate some of your own feedback from your experience