In ep.11, we take a look at our first dispensary, the Boulder Creek Collective out of Northern California. These guys have a friendly … Check on YouTube
Hey guys – I know you've done a couple SG reviews in the past, and if you guys want, I have a Pint-sized pillar and Mini Pillar I'd be happy to lend you guys for a review. Cheers. Love the channel. Glad to see you guys back!
great video content as per usual..looking form over the pond its nice to see you guys being able to expose your homelands vision of legal weed and hope the benchmarks you guys set fruition into my regions..much respect from the green island
I have to say that I had a pretty all around bad experience with leisure glass, I wanted his incycler just like the one you just picked up. he asked me about 5 times what I wanted, I drew a picture with exact arrows to each spot (he said he would gladly do a custom) I told him i don't care if you charge me 150 more than your avg retail for these because it would have been custom, he said ok cool. A month went by, I hit him up again, he said he was busy, Im sure he was. Another month went by, I said I totally understand you are busy man, could you give any time frame? He said another month, I said ok cool. Then that month comes, I message him, then he asked what I wanted to do, again… I showed him, and then after 3 months, he tells me he can't do it (or he just didn't want to) I told him I would change the color to one he had, he didn't reply. I simply commented check dm on one of his pics, then he bitched me out. hahahah sad to say he lost someone who wanted to start collecting, and I did literally offer him an extra 150 on top of the highest price he had charged for one hahahahaha just all around shitty. I'm sure he is a decent guy, but that was some bad business, and maybe it just was me, I'm sure many people, especially you guys, had a great experience dealing with him (it started off great for me too) Just a story, not trying to tell people to not buy leisure, just wanted to share my experience!!
some police are more strict and dont follow the law for example, im a co patient and when traveling through nevada was pulled over meds and glass taken and given 2,000 dollar citation for possession
Just a heads up. The casinos are not all pot tolerant, regardless of the law. Smoking in The Rio, or any Cesar's Property is ill advised. Be careful…ventilate. Also, the out of state exemption has a sunset provision and after time it will require the visiting state to have an accessible computer database. Shrug, the whole thing is still in flux. Coming to Reno?
im from vegas. n yea. proud to see my city changin forr the better
really awesome how you guys are back!! been watching you guys since the start!!
its crazy to see you guys progress so far from when you guys commented on my old account to check you guys out to now.
How can anyone dislike this video. Classic CCC video.
How do you guys travel with your shatter and rigs?
Oh.. Rhode Island Also Accepts Out Of State Medical!
Damn! Wish I Would Have Known…I Live In Vegas! Peace Guys and Thanks For The Reunion With Bob.
Hey guys – I know you've done a couple SG reviews in the past, and if you guys want, I have a Pint-sized pillar and Mini Pillar I'd be happy to lend you guys for a review. Cheers. Love the channel. Glad to see you guys back!
You guys more……. Other dudes less…. No hate bro…. but were here for you dudes.
great video content as per usual..looking form over the pond its nice to see you guys being able to expose your homelands vision of legal weed and hope the benchmarks you guys set fruition into my regions..much respect from the green island
So did you guys just get a hotel room where smoking is allowed? I assume you cannot smoke anywhere outside and around Vegas except for private spaces
When the intro started with "Smoke Signals" by Emancipator I already got hard.
you guys are THE BEST
yeee 7o2 Baby!!
dope steady content awesome guys
what rigs you guys using there??
Love you 2
Do they have smoking rooms or were you guys on the patio?
You guys need a GoPro (if you don't already have one) for trips like these. I was in Vegas for New Years and it was a badass experience!
Welcome to Las Vegas fellas
Dope shit.. Props on the channel homies. $GMO$
You guys can come to Chicago and use your med cards, stay at a hotel on Michigan ave. during the summer it's beautiful here
I have to say that I had a pretty all around bad experience with leisure glass, I wanted his incycler just like the one you just picked up. he asked me about 5 times what I wanted, I drew a picture with exact arrows to each spot (he said he would gladly do a custom) I told him i don't care if you charge me 150 more than your avg retail for these because it would have been custom, he said ok cool. A month went by, I hit him up again, he said he was busy, Im sure he was. Another month went by, I said I totally understand you are busy man, could you give any time frame? He said another month, I said ok cool. Then that month comes, I message him, then he asked what I wanted to do, again… I showed him, and then after 3 months, he tells me he can't do it (or he just didn't want to) I told him I would change the color to one he had, he didn't reply. I simply commented check dm on one of his pics, then he bitched me out. hahahah sad to say he lost someone who wanted to start collecting, and I did literally offer him an extra 150 on top of the highest price he had charged for one hahahahaha just all around shitty. I'm sure he is a decent guy, but that was some bad business, and maybe it just was me, I'm sure many people, especially you guys, had a great experience dealing with him (it started off great for me too) Just a story, not trying to tell people to not buy leisure, just wanted to share my experience!!
some police are more strict and dont follow the law for example, im a co patient and when traveling through nevada was pulled over meds and glass taken and given 2,000 dollar citation for possession
you roasted the shit out of the joint brah….lots of butane remnants in that smoke
Hell yea guys I live out here I'm glad you guys came and checked us out
opinion on raw papers?
"Next to a McDonald's" lmao
I walked from my hotel to that shop!! loved the bud. pre-rolls not so much but hey its new! cheers guys.
Awesome info fellas thanks for sharing. Keep em coming
liking the background
blunts yes but a j ??? lmao
i think i can honestly say i have neved seen someone roast a joint lol
Just a heads up. The casinos are not all pot tolerant, regardless of the law. Smoking in The Rio, or any Cesar's Property is ill advised. Be careful…ventilate. Also, the out of state exemption has a sunset provision and after time it will require the visiting state to have an accessible computer database. Shrug, the whole thing is still in flux. Coming to Reno?
whi made those rigs
Dan's making gains
I'm excited
What was the name of the dispensary you went to in Vegas?
what do u work with?
That sf hat is sick!
That good Vegas weed and cheers guys keep up the videos! 😀
This video is so chill with cool backdrop…..smoke on brothas