42 Commentaires

  1. Josh I'm sure you may have heard of this but if you want a good torch you should try the Blazer Big Shot. It's $50 on Amazon, but I've seen it for $80+ on some websites. It's really simple to use and basically lights every time. No safety, just a twist knob for gas and then a button to light it.

  2. Hey Josh great vid! Do you think you could do a video on your thoughts on acrylic bongs? Maybe some pros and cons and mayyyybe take a hit from one? 😀 here in the UK its difficult for me to get access to good glass

  3. Hey Josh, a while back I asked you to tone down the music on the perc shots so we can hear the rip, I noticed you did just that on this video and I am intensely greatful! You rock, thank you!

  4. the lil yellow slide button on the side of the torch is so you dont have to hold the button down. slide it towards the flame n it will make it stay on then just slide it back to shut off. cheers 🙂

  5. There's really no magic to recyclers. They look cool and hold more water. That's really about it. It just overflows and drains down again. There's no constant motion as compared to more traditional non-recyclers.

  6. Josh quick question: I wanna buy a new straight tube bong with a six arm percolator, but isnt it very uncomfortable if you have to bend your neck 90 degrees everytime? (If i hold it on a angle the percolator wont work properly…)

  7. Hey Josh, could you maybe do a video on "how to buy your first bong or oil rig"? And talk about what size you should get, what you are supposed to look out for, if buying one. And maybe also comfort, so how comfortable is it to hit the piece of glass.

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