The Industrialization of Cannabis? Poetry of Plants (Part 1) This is part 1 of the interview with Nelson from Poetry of Plants. Part 2 … Check on YouTube
Thanks Nic. diggin the new music. seriously got tired of hearing the same rasta song. no hate against rasta music, just got old playing the one track. keep those reviews coming. you should do daily reviews or however often you pick up and post on a sub channel
SHout out to the Green Door in SF! I personally have been going to Bloom Room and FLower Power more but i'll have to check out Green Door again soon :).
Why are these losers hating on this kid he seems cool af and knowledgeable
bring back kushman nico!!
ok you said smell and taste a thousand times..whats the effects??
kushman niko spree!
john klemmer
wish we could smoke together bro, i really like your videos and terpy tuesday with chase. greets from germany.
"exotic" LOL
I go to the Green Door all the time when I'm in SF…NICE
smoking bud is so pre 2000, i like to get medicated without fucking up my lungs, dab life 710 24/7 365
You're not saying jack herer right sir
Is that a,China,bong wtf
Yo Shane we should chill I jus got a new toro
Herer like Terror.. not hair-air.
Cheers dog
Excellent review
I'm not a sativa guy but you made me want to try this one
Do a review on madtown cookies
Thanks Nic. diggin the new music. seriously got tired of hearing the same rasta song. no hate against rasta music, just got old playing the one track. keep those reviews coming. you should do daily reviews or however often you pick up and post on a sub channel
He miss pronounced jacks last name so many times 😩😩😩😩😩
Looks dank cheers man
Where have you been?
lose this kid get someone new to do strain reviews
SHout out to the Green Door in SF! I personally have been going to Bloom Room and FLower Power more but i'll have to check out Green Door again soon :).
GG homies.
jack harare? i think its jack herrer k thanks. try to be a lil more knowledgeable.
Please learn to pronounce Jack's last name. He said himself, "it rhymes with 'TERROR'."
A little research goes a long way.
Good to see you back brother!!!!
nice! love both strains a lot!!!