21 Commentaires

  1. Theres really No reason why people should make deadly mistakes with medicines with pets! Now we have Information at our Fingertips…..what I NEVER had when growing up. People need to STOP being LAZY and RESEARCH!!

  2. Did anyone’s vet let them know about the possible side effects because mine didn’t and I would never take a chance giving it to my cat had I known that. I’m talking about Metronidazole.

  3. Thank u my fathers. Rice is a vet and she told my father to crush ibuprofen into an egg yolk and give to my cat because he helps vomiting. I told him that’s crazy that could kill my cat let alone damage his kidneys. He got upset because his Brice is a vet. I could care less sounds like she wanted to harm my cat.

  4. PLEASE HELP mycat has aurel hematoma the vet said was from a yeast infection and he gave him a shot of Depro Medrol and drained his ear….witch filled back up the next day he sent me home with a 2oz.bottle of triz baytril and dexamethasone otic ….he said .75 cc twice daily for two weeks …its been two weeks and his ear looks the same as day one and today hes drooling quite a bit.im concerned about his decisions….and each time i drive an hour and give him all the money i have…..what do yo recomend to help my savage beast…..(his name) thank you for your videos….i appreciate you general concern for us.

  5. Apriciate the tips. My cat has been on depomedrol for about 10 years now with no complications. She does not eat cat food at all and the vet inject her once a month subcutaneous because it seems to last longer. (Intramuscular only last for about 10 to 15 days and the symptoms relapse worst in less time). But thats just my cat, you need to visit your vet for advise. BTW if you are wondering my cat has chronic stomatitis due to a hiperactive inmune sistem wich atack her mouth, esophagus and teeth (she also has all her teeth removed but the canines).

  6. I put flea Advantage II meds on my cat, as high as I could, but she's long-haired and apparently her head has the flexibility of an owl. Even after holding her for 25 minutes after putting on the med, she still licked at it like crazy afterwards (5:30 in the morning, she jumped into bed with me and was still licking above her shoulder blades). When I got up for the day, I realized she had vomited. On top of that, her pooh got really soft after that (and stinky) and it's only now starting to improve 3 months later and with probiotics, although she seemed okay otherwise. That's it for me! Unless she has fleas, no more preventatives.

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