31 Commentaires

  1. 🔥Big thanks to our sponsor today, DYNAVAP! 🔥

    Use code "DREW420" for 10% off anything on the site!

    http://bit.ly/DynavapDiscount Btw i did download a picture for dry herb vapes but I guess i forgot to upload it lmao

    Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNlQKvUaBLU

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  2. Seems like mixing is way more common in UK I hate when someone offers me a toke off their J or bowl and it's got tobacco. whenever I ask why they don't smoke pure they nearly always say it burns better but idk I don't have any problems with how pure weed burns🤔

  3. I agree with the majority of your views apart from the bongs (F), for me, this should be much much higher, especially with #piecemaker bongs as with RA I tend to break glass easily so expensive glass is not worth it. I have a few products i.e Kwak & Bolt, pipe and all very high quality.

  4. Dont have a lot of access to dabs and cartridges but Id love to try it 🙂 I personally really like the highs bongs give you, but I gotta agree with the taste factor. Its fairy cheap and zero waste over time. Nothing beats a good classic joint though. I don’t know why but I personally really dont like smoking pure, but I also smoke cigs. But even if I didnt, for some reason I dont get that much high with a pure rolled rather than a baccy, I tried it often enough, it’s fucking weird.

  5. I usually put baccy in a spliff because then the weed will last longer. Considering I used to make 1 or 2 spliffs out of a draw, and now I make four or 5 at a push, I think it's better. But it can alter the taste, so it's a tricky one. Watch everyone laugh at me now for making that many spliffs from a draw 🤣🤣

  6. edibles shouldn't be rated above B tier. the fact that they don't work on some people literally ruins it. I've had 300mg and could only feel the effect of the joint I had earlier in the day.

  7. I like to smoke a joint , but due to the fact I can’t afford to buy much weed as 50 euro for 3.5 is considered a good price here , so I smoke spliffs with tobacco because if I smoke a joint without tobacco it will use up more smoke

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