30 Commentaires

  1. seriously, all this time and you guys didn't step up your game.fuck, get a background, a format, a something . a flashlight, jesus h2o and 4 two 0. u obviously don't care about me as a viewer. why would i care about you as hosts. earn respect if you want tom be respected. breal tv is killin yall. customgrow420, even strainreview, hashbartv. freek. do sumthin

  2. totally shit lighting. you guys should know better;. you are not newbs. so why post such shit after so many years. there are many channels at the top of the game and you come out with this sleeper bull shit. don't know if i will click many more of your tabs after this. i want to like you cause we have a lot in common. but i expect more and will not waste my time on your lack of effort. blow us away or delete your channel. but please blow us away.!!!you can do it. it's a revolution. remember not everyone is in a legal state. so make it magical. not mundane.

  3. people make lots of sap/pull and snap with straight pho. when run side by side the pho will be lighter and a little less stable but yes I have seen people make other than wax/budder with pho. and most of your guys running closed loop than you get your oil from in colorado arn't running straight butane…anywhere from 15-30% propane usually.

  4. If you wanna link up in Denver lemme know. Got some hella fire concentrates and heady rigs, and homies with heady rigs, got homies with wormholes and Joe p's you can review

  5. Hey CCC420, do you guys still grow buds at all? I haven't seen any new videos about it so I kind of doubt it but I would like to know. Also, I just gotta say- I'm so glad you guys are back y'all were missed.

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