22 Commentaires

  1. Be careful. It says 70% Sativa and I thought it was Indica. Be careful people. Night time smoke as it completely numbs your body and your head feels like it is falling off just after a few tokes.

  2. I took two bong rips on this shit and im blazed. Its crazy how enthusiastic you are about weed. I dont think i’ve ever been that happy about anything. I do wonder if my friends think I act like you do when it comes to weed.

  3. Groovy vid Ross as usual!! I know i asked before but it was awhile ago so… If you can find Pineapple Upside Down Cake from humbolt seed co. thatd be super cool- got to try 1 desp(only 1 that is or was caring it) and was super disappointed under developed nugs for 17 bucks a gram!!!!😠 i was pissed!

  4. Hey cannabis brother strain review was groovy flower looks like it smells good looks really good. I just got a new strain OG KUSH its really good taste is good piney taste good head buzz. Would be a good strain review peace & 1- 💘

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