(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Today I am doing a review on Platinum Extracts! I picked up 6 different strains to … Check on YouTube
34 Commentaires
Practicality should be out of 1.5, and functionality should be out of 2.5. Function is most important. Followed by quality 1.5 and affordability at 1.5, just makes more sense
I would love it if you would do a MegaToke giveaway. I cant afford one because I need the money for other more important things but really appreciate it if I would have one very good quality Vaporizer.
Not mad at your vid. Just mad at the price. Keep on doing the reviews for your revenue! I just didn’t like how the product is WAYYY out of price for 95% of your viewers
Thanks for all the videos, I've learned a lot. I know it's off topic, but do you have an opinion on decarbing flower and then vaping it? Does it do anything?
Hey there @StrainCentral (Cannabis Reviews and Smoke Sessions) I haven't seen you do a video on BHO processed THC would love to see you review it, I myself get BHO THC Orange Chocolate.
Megatoke products = overpriced crap. $400 for a combustion unit when a lighter cost a dollar 1.50$ along with the pipe 10/15 bucks if you ask me so not worth it
That's $535 Canadian, to "replace my bic lighter and torches". You scored the affordability as 0.4/1 but this is a combustion pen that costs 2 months of my rent wtf
What's the difference between using this and using one of those non-flame lighters that combusts what it touches by superheating a coil? Only ones I can think of is that those lighters only cost $1 on eBay and you have LESS danger of melting plastic.
You keep calling it a vaporizer but it's a combustion pen. Please be honest.
Practicality should be out of 1.5, and functionality should be out of 2.5. Function is most important. Followed by quality 1.5 and affordability at 1.5, just makes more sense
I could buy so many cartridges and the best battery ever for that much.
800$ for almost nothing
Bro you gained so much weight but hey that's what smoking pot does
By a 60 dollar rig you’ll be way more stoned
Can you make a 2017 review of best vaporizers?
I would love it if you would do a MegaToke giveaway. I cant afford one because I need the money for other more important things but really appreciate it if I would have one very good quality Vaporizer.
You dont like it Josh QUIT LYING! haha
Not mad at your vid. Just mad at the price. Keep on doing the reviews for your revenue! I just didn’t like how the product is WAYYY out of price for 95% of your viewers
I was thinking like 200$ or less…. 450$ is nuts. Good video either way.
Glad you were honest about the price, I'd prefer to spend $1 on a lighter
I will buy a mini nail way before this and I thought the mini nail was expensive.
U getting big brah
Love the video, make more 👌✌
Thanks for all the videos, I've learned a lot. I know it's off topic, but do you have an opinion on decarbing flower and then vaping it? Does it do anything?
kinda getting lame when you take a week to post
$400 for a glorified g-pen, well great video anyway but not for me
This whole video feels like a sells pitch. By the way I would never spend $400 on a vape😂😂 #itsavapebro👌🏽
Can't wait till you get back to the video grind man! Have a nice day.
Fellow stoners, just invest in a firefly 2 and call it a day
That thing is def not work close to $500 dollars haha
do a house walkthrough when you move
Less product reviews and more Josh <3
hi josh i was wondering if you are going to review on part 2 of disjointed
Hey there @StrainCentral (Cannabis Reviews and Smoke Sessions) I haven't seen you do a video on BHO processed THC would love to see you review it, I myself get BHO THC Orange Chocolate.
Where's the terps video
Dabatoke is trash
Megatoke products = overpriced crap. $400 for a combustion unit when a lighter cost a dollar 1.50$ along with the pipe 10/15 bucks if you ask me so not worth it
Love the videos Josh for sure but like…. Nobody can afford that shit hahahah , thats more than some heady glass pieces… Absolutely nuts.
He’s turning into customgrow and I unsubscribed to that dude like months ago
Fuck me josh 470k chessynips still here lmafo
5/7 perfect score!
That's $535 Canadian, to "replace my bic lighter and torches". You scored the affordability as 0.4/1 but this is a combustion pen that costs 2 months of my rent wtf
What's the difference between using this and using one of those non-flame lighters that combusts what it touches by superheating a coil? Only ones I can think of is that those lighters only cost $1 on eBay and you have LESS danger of melting plastic.
You keep calling it a vaporizer but it's a combustion pen. Please be honest.