15 Commentaires

  1. doc…how do you groom, bathe, apply a home remedy for itching or flea protection from a spray bottle to a little CHIHUAHUA?? She is a lover but doing any of these creates her to bite and resist!! How can I hold her and be successful?? How can i eliminate her anxiety?? She is 10. Dr. please help. Also you mentioned sun flower oil..you have mentioned various natural products for itching..lavender, apple cider v., a spice, don't remember..what is the best for flea bites??

  2. My 14 yr. old Boogie was shedding so much I was worried he had some kind of
    medical issue. Gave him an oatmeal bath, brushed him and he gets omega daily.
    He is better but will be getting sunflower oil. As always, thank you Dr. Jones.

  3. Question my cat was shot br a BB gun
    Is it safe to keep the bb in
    I was told if taken out it would get infected
    There are two one by the front leg and the other bottom of belly

  4. Is it true that sudden, excessive shedding can be brought on by an external stressor to the dog? My Dobie doesn’t have the type of coat that noticeably sheds but she has just had a whole heap of trauma during/after CCL surgery. A small amount of fur readily brushed off into my hand while stroking the back of her “good” leg, and she’d been back to the vet for her 1-week post-op check-up the day before and I figured that it was enough to evoke some kind of extra, immediate and short-lived sympathetic nervous response. Many thanks, in advance ❤️

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