32 Commentaires

  1. I had to give my dog the 3 years rabies vaccine in order to travel but our vet gave us a 7 day detox to help get rid of all the bad stuff and my dog didn’t have any side effects besides being sleep the first day

  2. I just vaccinated all my dogs with rabbies, the government one that by law is required each year.
    But one of my dogs got a bad rash in his back legs, I do not know if it is dangerous for the next year not giving him the vaccine, for the danger he may
    get rabbies, but obviously it was not good for him, he is 9 years, and I have been giving him his vaccines, but this year that happened.

  3. One thing I really notice is dogs back when I was a child seemed to live much longer than they do today ! They ate table scraps much more so is it the vets and injections or the terrible kibble foods?? No doubt both play their parts.

  4. I. Just got my girls out form the pound. What can I do to pull some of the poisons out of their body from their forced rabies vaccine..and vaccines…i gave them some activated charcoal..one is acting like she was beaten while in there. They are Alaskan Malamutes..in Idaho they are not mandatory.. But my girls have already been vaccinated and they gave them too close. My one girl almost crawled on her belly and did not accknoledge me..she was also very thin both girls were in there for 5 days..tried to pick them up on Friday but they made me make an appointment to bail them out. Every time I went there I could hear her screaming. What can I do to snap her out of her distrust and depression.? She keeps hiding from me..and is very food aggressive all of the sudden and she is more sunken and bony. I tried to tell them that she would not eat while in there..but they did not heed me. Please help..

  5. My dog Honey was definitely made ill from adverse vaccine reaction. Australian pet owners are pushed to get their pets vaxxed yearly. I wish I knew of Dr Jones pre Honey’s illness 🙏

  6. puppies need their shots, but after that they really don't need anything , most groomers want rabies shot proof, but that's about it . Many years ago, 1960, my parents got me as a child a Dachshund pup, we got her a distemper shot our 2 neighbors also got puppies and both theirs got distemper and died but our dachshund had the shot and didn't get anything.. Im not into over vaccinating my pets , I don't think they need it

  7. I have just taken my dog to vets 2022 as he had a particularly bad gastrointestinal virus thats going round that after research by me saw that vets are actually calling it parvo and its effecting both inoculated and un- inoculated dogs?. This is north east england. I havent had given my dog vaccines since his core vaccines at puppy and a boosters when he was younger but then read about over vaccinating so let it slide. Hes now 10 and ok. I wonder if you have had this over in US as a nasty parvo virus there recently effecting dogs. ?? The vets are asking me to vaccine him but unsure as he has probably just had it. ??

  8. Hi,

    I have a puppy that is just over 15 weeks old. He had a distemper-parvo at 8 weeks, a DAPP at 10 weeks and 5 days and a DAPP today at 15 weeks and 2 days. I am being advised to get him another booster in 4 weeks at 19 weeks and 2 days, which I am hesitant about. Is the next booster necessary? Or should the 3 be sufficient? I am being told that he will not be fully vaccinated if I don’t get him the next DAPP. And at what point would a titer be recommended?

  9. People and my veterinarian often often wonder why my animals live so long into their early twenties. And I am thoroughly convinced it is because when they're puppies they get their 1st immunity Especially against parvo But after that they get absolutely nothing I think they get good food they're cared for properly and they just seem to be healthier and come up with less problems when they don't get the vaccinations I found a little puppy in the mountains of Pennsylvania she was 5 weeks old. After about 3 weeks the dog was getting seizures daily 45 at a time she was only about 8 pounds and it's 8 pounds and the vets told me she needed to be on phenibarba tall for the rest of her life. They didn't really expect her to live more than 6 months because the seizures were so severe. The man at my health food store after I told him what had happened said thena barbatal is the most harmful drug you can give an animal. He gave me something else to try and guaranteed me it would work from the absolute 1st day it's the 1st day that I put her on this medication she never had one other seizure ever and I did it every day until she died at 21 years old. I have met dozens of people as we do animal rescue I've met so many people that have dogs that have seizures I give them the same exact medication and their dogs never have another seizure. It costs nothing it's very cheap so that's probably why the medical community doesn't want to use it because they can't make money off of it.

  10. I remember they were showing on the news that vaccines last often around 7 years.. and no one ever bothered to see why we over vaccinate our pets. Super sad. Only good news is that now there are purevax which at least won't cause cancer. But this is still not enough..

  11. My dog developed abscesses as a puppy after rabies vaccination. I can’t even take my dog to the vet bc they require rabies every year regardless of titer results. ☹️ I understand they are following their protocol but I am worried if I allow this my dog will become sick.

  12. I'm older, disabled; live in a subsidized apartment. I'm required to vaccinate in order to live here with her. I'll never give her up, yet have no where else to go. My boxer/ ridgeback/ beagle mix is 15 & 4 mo's. She's gotten all required vaccines & boosters all her life.
    Healthy food has helped, as she is allergic to so many ingredients in dog foods. I love my girl so much!
    Thank you for all you do for pet companions!

  13. I give my pups Neopar at 5 weeks then the 5n1 every 4 weeks for 3 more shots. I had pups with parvo and they tend to get it at 7-8 weeks of ago. Not fun to go through and pups die fast.
    It's sad.

  14. Here in the EU any dog crossing a national border has to have proof of a rabies vaccine at least 21 days before. I am not sure if a titre test is accepted instead. In Germany where I live the rabies vaccine is not required, however. Nowadays rabies vaccines are only given every 3 years here.

  15. I heard a phd. state that allergies were virtually non-existant before the invention of the hypodermic needle. Unlike ingestion injections bypass the blood/brain barrier.
    We don't have an "immune" system, the body assimilates nutrients and eliminates waste…or not.
    Virus & bacteria are typically over 50% of a healthy subjects cell mass, so why aren't wild animals experiencing an epidemic of chronic disease…like humans are? Profit.
    Feed yourself and your pet, species appropriate, living food, and you will virtually eliminate disease. Like the Master said: "Physician, heal thyself"

  16. I have only vaccinated my miniature dachshund once, he got all of his puppy shots, and a booster shot at five years old. he is seven now, and will get another booster shot when he is ten yo. Otherwise, he doesn't need them as far as I am concerned. As I follow a few other vet's that take a more holistic view of their practices, and joined the holistic with modern medicines. Believing that prevention, and diet is best done for my pets. I feed raw meaty bone diet to my dog, and canned cat food to my cat, as she refused all attempts to change her diet to raw meat. She is totally attached to her cat food, and doesn't recognize raw meats of any sort as a food, and won't touch it. She also won't eat most cooked meats either, with the exception of chicken meats. Which she will eat about a tablespoons worth and is finished, and returns to her normal cat food immediately. So, once every five years is more than enough vaccines for my beloved pets.

  17. My old dog was jabbed yearly (UK not sure if its different to USA) until he was 7. He had a tumour on his front leg and was very lucky not to lose the leg. The vet called me before the end of op to tell me he had 1 last chance to stitch the leg but the skin was damaged and had ripped twice. If he couldn't do it a 3rd time he was notifying me that he'd take the leg. Panic but all OK in the end.
    Recovered well and all OK. A few months later all of a sudden a massive belly and it transpired the sack had detached and was relatively common and not something to worry about. With all the vet visits and general expenses I didn't get him jabbed the next due date. I never did again for his last 7 years. Except for the a kennel cough nose spray thing every 2 years. He made the top end of life expectancy and had a great life. Ended up with cushing's brain stem and I wonder if an autoimmune disease is something that vaccines can contribute?
    Just adopted a 7 month who is already jabbed and OK until March 22.
    I am wondering if I should carry on annual jabs or not. Like you say its 1 side of crazies against another, when the truth is likely somewhere in the middle.
    Same as nuturing dogs. Some say its a must, not for the cliche temperament debates from the olde days but to reduce risk of cancers and illness. Others argue exactly the same but from the opposite view point.
    It's a mine field and of course if your dog was unlucky to pass young or middle aged, I'm sure that stuff swings people's minds, without any conclusive certainty.

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