DOLLAR HIGH CLUB UNBOXING! (November 2015) juillet 31, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 20 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Dollar High Club is a monthly subscription box for smokers that ships to your door … Check on YouTube StrainCentral
CBD Reviews Legal Delta-9 THC Hemp Gummies?? juin 28, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 26 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Finally back from a lil break with a test of something that’s more than needed in … Check on YouTube
CBD Reviews DAILY HIGH CLUB UNBOXING!! (CHONG'S CHOICE) juillet 2, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 24 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* I finally got my Chong’s Choice DHC box, so I thought i’d sit down, get maaaaad … Check on YouTube
CBD Reviews HOW TO MAKE EASY EDIBLES!! août 8, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 39 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* So I thought today i’d show you guys how to make edibles the easiest way that … Check on YouTube
You should subscribe to/unbox the Kush Crate. From what I've seen it looks like a fantastic box, chock-full of unique goodies. I'd like to see your take on it. Répondre
that's a sicc scorpion pipe I like the facted u could stand it up like a collectable animal piece… wow Répondre
OHHHH that's who he reminds me of! like at 12:55, that is straight up ashton kutcher out of dude where's my car. That is so funny. Répondre
lol that little tiny joint would get a group of mice stoned, with the filter tip taking up half the space inside the paper too. xD Répondre
anybody from 2020?
This man edits everywhere he goes! Cheers!
you didnt use hemp wic with the new pipe 😱😱😭😭
those weirdly folded papers are great when using rolling machine
the clear paper is probably made from veg cellulose
You should subscribe to/unbox the Kush Crate. From what I've seen it looks like a fantastic box, chock-full of unique goodies. I'd like to see your take on it.
Hey Josh, where did you order your lighter from man? That would be great to take camping
that's a sicc scorpion pipe I like the facted u could stand it up like a collectable animal piece… wow
Call it Scorpio
do you actually get any weed, or is it all a bunch of cheesy stoner crap?
Tobacco is for inconsiderate fucks
Is that pipe a facehugger?
omg those lighters are ear cancer….oww
Can u give us the website for the lighter plz! It's so cool
Its a lobster
crusty the glass crustacean
OHHHH that's who he reminds me of! like at 12:55, that is straight up ashton kutcher out of dude where's my car. That is so funny.
Josh, I'm not gonna lie.. I completely forgot about the J too ahahahhaha
lol that little tiny joint would get a group of mice stoned, with the filter tip taking up half the space inside the paper too. xD
el primo otw 😎