Dr Jones’ Free Book Dr Jones shows you a complete, balanced homemade dog food … Check on YouTube
30 Commentaires
I always put warm water in the dishes before I put the wet or dry food in for our cats. BUT, wait, I do plan on making future cat food from cooked chicken (no bones) and cooked turkey (I know the prices now (November 2022) are outrageous) but cheaper in the long run than processed canned wet cat food. And, yes, 5 of our cats are FAT. I will be including sweet potatoes, a little nutritious yeast, ground up flax seeds, the broth from cooking the birds, a little bit of pumpkin (not canned) & some veggies recommended for cats. This food will last a good month & I may even pressure can some for the future. Judi
Years ago I. had a cat with blockage. The vet put him on a special diet. Then I started reading–all dry food might have caused it in the first place and special food was dry. Also poor quality. Changed him to a better quality and then to canned which he ate the rest of his life. He died of something else and was maybe 13. Thousands of cats are put on these prescription diets. Seems a bit of scam to me, esp how experience, yet from cheap stuff like corn and soy.
well i'm a little upset because he didn't mind showing a bag of friskies but wldnt show what brand the can cat food is. I cld called around b4 wasting time and gas for some. Does anybody know what it was?
Covid caused food mfg co's to cut corners and the vets are swamped with deadly digestive problems. They are so swamped threy are just claiming oh they are in end stages take them home. So they can get to the next person to bill! BEWARE if your pet doesnt like the food or hesitates change their food
That's absolutely great information, about the percentage of protein and knowing how to read an ingredient list. Cats aren't nor cows ans eventually cows don't thrive that well on a grain diet. But. Firstly cats and other predators don't eat the same as we do. Even more in rich countries, we only think about muscle meat when we say animal protein. But that's not what carnivores actually prefer. What cats eat first when they catch a bird is the head. Meaning brains, eyes, glands, tongue, skin, feathers, etc. Then they eat the gut. Which means more glands and organ meat and also the semi-digested (to almost completely digested, haha) and fermented contents of the gut. So they do eat a fair amount of carbohydrates, but in semi-digested and fermented form. Let's also not forget that cats love to eat grass and different types of foliage. I know that as a vet you know all this and this is an introduction video so things have to be kept simple, but still, these are facts. Muscle meat is not a panacea when it comes to cat food. Knowing that no food is perfect, what about adding a bit of water to good quality kibble?
Ho doctor my 17 year old cat now has diabetes and gallbladder stones and early kidney issues. She only eats wet food. Vet has kept her on Rx pet food now she has these problems. What can I feed her ? Which canned food would you recommend? Is it true her fat level in the food should be low as she has pancreatic and gallbladder issues . TIA
Since I don't much of a budget for wet food and raw meat, I put water or chicken broth or diluted sardine sauce to their kibble to help hydrate them more.
So sorry for the loss of both your pets Dr. Jones, losing our furry friends hurts so much. Hope you and your wife can heal and eventually open your hearts and home to another furry friend. Thank you again for all your informative videos!
😊 😊 😊 Thanks to Dr.Andrew Jones for your advice and guiding how to lookup for our cats good health these cats are part of ours family members. To me I excepted them as my children my babies they also real Angel's for me .they gave me happiness and they love me unconditional love. I lost my babies Monte and Angie this years couple months apart yea, very break my heart I still missing them with tears I have them since 4 months old they lived 13 years I wish they live more longer I love them so much . SPECIAL Thanks to all who give your good heart with love to adopted them into your life into your home . GOD BLESSING YOU ALL .!!!! THANKS TO SPECIAL Dr, Jones for your kindness and good knowledge to help us to bring their health more better. 🙏
Good info. I have a sweet kitty whose penus was removed because of urinary stones.When I got Pepper, he was on a special high moisture "urinary" diet from a well known product pushed in every vet clinic here in Florida. Supposedly to help prevent a re occurence of stones. The first ingredient on the list was corn. Lots of it. I was flabbergasted. I put Pepper immediately on a freeze dried raw meat diet. These are chunky sized morsels that he has to break up and chew. I add a little water to just barely moisten the morsels. 3 years later I have a healthy cat, not over weight, sleek fur, no eye or ear issues. This cat food industry is so full of con artists and fake nutrition it isn't funny. I honestly believe that it is collusion between the vets and the food companies, because it is guaranteeing a steady supply of sick cats. That is why I think this Vet is the best. He is honest about a very bad situation.
Kibble is the worst for cats. Dogs can tolerate that garbage better because they are Omnivores like us humans. Carnivores like cats shouldn't eat dry food AT ALL! Gives them diabetes and not enough water and worst of the worst, gives them crystals in urine, which blocks urine and kill the kidneys before you even know something is wrong with them. Raw or canned animal protein only. My two last cats lived urinary problem free until both were almost 20. Never will feed kibble again!
Dr. Jones my cat prefers Sardines, shrimp , tuna and salmon to chicken and can't stand beef, liver or turkey. I try giving her chicken and turkey, but she walks away and I won't force her to eat them either. Thank you for all your advice.
i take care of a family of feral cats, 4 are kittens and i try to feed them good food , sometimes when i make chicken breast and livers for my dogs i give then this and they love it, i also add taurine, and krill oil after watching your videos. i wish these companies that make this crappie food would be closed down, i really dont understand why theyre allowed to advertise and sell their junk.
My daughter and I adopted a cat 5 weeks ago. The woman who owner her had dementia and had to go in a nursing home and her daughter had cognitive problems so couldn't care for the cat on her own so a lady in their church took the cat to see if it could be adopted out. The owners could not give any information on age and it seems there was no vet care. Right from the start we saw the cat was lethargic, slept most of the time, drank copious amounts of water and urinated a lot, barely ate anything and wasn't having bowel movements. After treating her for over a week for constipation she finally passed a 4 inch long, thin, dry mass of fur so we thought that was the problem. But she still wasn't eating and the drinking and peeing persisted. We tried to get her in to a vet and with her symptoms were told she needed to go to an emergency clinic. They kept her 4 days and ran all kinds of tests and found she's in kidney failure. The hospital bill alone was over $2,200. She's on 4 or 5 different medications and several supplements and a kidney diet to keep her pain free and functioning. We tried to get her to eat freeze dried raw moistened with bone broth and high quality canned but the only food she will eat is k/d canned from the vet that I add bone broth to. She was 6 lbs when she came home from the hospital and in just a couple of days she's put on weight. We know her time with us is not going to be long, but meanwhile we're lavishing her with loads of love and care. I just wish we had gotten her sooner and given her a high quality food and a better life.
Hi Dr. Jones, I just switched both my cats to the Royal Canin Hydrolized protein diet, which has soy protein because they have severe food allergies and autoimmune disorders in which they cannot eat raw food as it has made them almost fatally ill in the past (it gave my now 7-year-old anemia). So over time and after many different kibbles on and off, my vet recommended the RC Hyrdolized protein diet. They have been fully transitioned on it for about almost two weeks now, I am at a loss in terms of what to do because on one hand, I'm told it's okay but then, on the other hand, I'm told it's not. Please advise.
I hsve 7 rescue cats that I ended up taking in when I was trapping stray/feral cats in my neighborhood for TNR program at our local animal shelter. Most of the cats I trapped over a 6 year period were released after TNR,, and a few kittens I was able to find homes for and also a couple friendly adult cats I was able to place. But I also took into my own home 6 kittens and one young adult cat that I could not place for various reasons. And one was a kitten we adopted from an animal rescue early on. That's how I came to have 7 cats. I am feeding them all can food primarily, with a little dry kibble on the side each day. I feed all but 2 cats primarily canned Friskies because I can't afford to feed a better quality can food to all 7 cats. Two of my cats eat a better quality canned food do to having allergies. I also have one dog. Pet food and pet care is becoming more expensive all the time and it is difficult when you have multiple pets. So canned Friskies will have to do, but I wish I could feed them all a better/more expensive can food, but can't.
Hello doctor, I am from India and I love your channel. I have been feeding my cat home cooked food (chicken and fish boiled) What all supplements shall I add to his food please? Thank you.
I always put warm water in the dishes before I put the wet or dry food in for our cats. BUT, wait, I do plan on making future cat food from cooked chicken (no bones) and cooked turkey (I know the prices now (November 2022) are outrageous) but cheaper in the long run than processed canned wet cat food. And, yes, 5 of our cats are FAT. I will be including sweet potatoes, a little nutritious yeast, ground up flax seeds, the broth from cooking the birds, a little bit of pumpkin (not canned) & some veggies recommended for cats. This food will last a good month & I may even pressure can some for the future. Judi
Years ago I. had a cat with blockage. The vet put him on a special diet. Then I started reading–all dry food might have caused it in the first place and special food was dry. Also poor quality. Changed him to a better quality and then to canned which he ate the rest of his life. He died of something else and was maybe 13. Thousands of cats are put on these prescription diets. Seems a bit of scam to me, esp how experience, yet from cheap stuff like corn and soy.
well i'm a little upset because he didn't mind showing a bag of friskies but wldnt show what brand the can cat food is. I cld called around b4 wasting time and gas for some. Does anybody know what it was?
Covid caused food mfg co's to cut corners and the vets are swamped with deadly digestive problems. They are so swamped threy are just claiming oh they are in end stages take them home. So they can get to the next person to bill! BEWARE if your pet doesnt like the food or hesitates change their food
The sponsor for this video I s 1st choice pet food 😮
That's absolutely great information, about the percentage of protein and knowing how to read an ingredient list. Cats aren't nor cows ans eventually cows don't thrive that well on a grain diet.
Firstly cats and other predators don't eat the same as we do. Even more in rich countries, we only think about muscle meat when we say animal protein. But that's not what carnivores actually prefer.
What cats eat first when they catch a bird is the head. Meaning brains, eyes, glands, tongue, skin, feathers, etc.
Then they eat the gut. Which means more glands and organ meat and also the semi-digested (to almost completely digested, haha) and fermented contents of the gut.
So they do eat a fair amount of carbohydrates, but in semi-digested and fermented form.
Let's also not forget that cats love to eat grass and different types of foliage.
I know that as a vet you know all this and this is an introduction video so things have to be kept simple, but still, these are facts. Muscle meat is not a panacea when it comes to cat food. Knowing that no food is perfect, what about adding a bit of water to good quality kibble?
Thank you so much for an extremely clear explanation of what makes a decent cat food. Again, Thanks!!!
Ho doctor my 17 year old cat now has diabetes and gallbladder stones and early kidney issues. She only eats wet food. Vet has kept her on Rx pet food now she has these problems. What can I feed her ? Which canned food would you recommend? Is it true her fat level in the food should be low as she has pancreatic and gallbladder issues . TIA
Since I don't much of a budget for wet food and raw meat, I put water or chicken broth or diluted sardine sauce to their kibble to help hydrate them more.
Why pay for moisture in cat food? Just add good fresh water to the food you feed them
I found out my cat and dog love all kinds of beans lentils quinoa mix that l cook for them with no salt.
You are my go to veterinarian, kind sir. Thx!
So sorry for the loss of both your pets Dr. Jones, losing our furry friends hurts so much. Hope you and your wife can heal and eventually open your hearts and home to another furry friend. Thank you again for all your informative videos!
Thank you Dr Jones. This is so important!
Thank you
😊 😊 😊 Thanks to Dr.Andrew Jones for your advice and guiding how to lookup for our cats good health these cats are part of ours family members. To me I excepted them as my children my babies they also real Angel's for me .they gave me happiness and they love me unconditional love. I lost my babies Monte and Angie this years couple months apart yea, very break my heart I still missing them with tears I have them since 4 months old they lived 13 years I wish they live more longer I love them so much . SPECIAL Thanks to all who give your good heart with love to adopted them into your life into your home . GOD BLESSING YOU ALL .!!!! THANKS TO SPECIAL Dr, Jones for your kindness and good knowledge to help us to bring their health more better. 🙏
Thank you so much. ❤️🇨🇦
Good info. I have a sweet kitty whose penus was removed because of urinary stones.When I got Pepper, he was on a special high moisture "urinary" diet from a well known product pushed in every vet clinic here in Florida. Supposedly to help prevent a re occurence of stones. The first ingredient on the list was corn. Lots of it. I was flabbergasted. I put Pepper immediately on a freeze dried raw meat diet. These are chunky sized morsels that he has to break up and chew. I add a little water to just barely moisten the morsels. 3 years later I have a healthy cat, not over weight, sleek fur, no eye or ear issues. This cat food industry is so full of con artists and fake nutrition it isn't funny. I honestly believe that it is collusion between the vets and the food companies, because it is guaranteeing a steady supply of sick cats. That is why I think this Vet is the best. He is honest about a very bad situation.
Kibble is the worst for cats. Dogs can tolerate that garbage better because they are Omnivores like us humans. Carnivores like cats shouldn't eat dry food AT ALL! Gives them diabetes and not enough water and worst of the worst, gives them crystals in urine, which blocks urine and kill the kidneys before you even know something is wrong with them. Raw or canned animal protein only. My two last cats lived urinary problem free until both were almost 20. Never will feed kibble again!
Dr. Jones my cat prefers Sardines, shrimp , tuna and salmon to chicken and can't stand beef, liver or turkey. I try giving her chicken and turkey, but she walks away and I won't force her to eat them either.
Thank you for all your advice.
i take care of a family of feral cats, 4 are kittens and i try to feed them good food , sometimes when i make chicken breast and livers for my dogs i give then this and they love it, i also add taurine, and krill oil after watching your videos. i wish these companies that make this crappie food would be closed down, i really dont understand why theyre allowed to advertise and sell their junk.
this channel saved my cat and veterinary bills when it came to my cats urine infection. Thank you so much for everything you do! :]
My daughter and I adopted a cat 5 weeks ago. The woman who owner her had dementia and had to go in a nursing home and her daughter had cognitive problems so couldn't care for the cat on her own so a lady in their church took the cat to see if it could be adopted out. The owners could not give any information on age and it seems there was no vet care. Right from the start we saw the cat was lethargic, slept most of the time, drank copious amounts of water and urinated a lot, barely ate anything and wasn't having bowel movements. After treating her for over a week for constipation she finally passed a 4 inch long, thin, dry mass of fur so we thought that was the problem. But she still wasn't eating and the drinking and peeing persisted. We tried to get her in to a vet and with her symptoms were told she needed to go to an emergency clinic. They kept her 4 days and ran all kinds of tests and found she's in kidney failure. The hospital bill alone was over $2,200. She's on 4 or 5 different medications and several supplements and a kidney diet to keep her pain free and functioning. We tried to get her to eat freeze dried raw moistened with bone broth and high quality canned but the only food she will eat is k/d canned from the vet that I add bone broth to. She was 6 lbs when she came home from the hospital and in just a couple of days she's put on weight. We know her time with us is not going to be long, but meanwhile we're lavishing her with loads of love and care. I just wish we had gotten her sooner and given her a high quality food and a better life.
Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! God Bless you make such a difference
Hi Dr. Jones, I just switched both my cats to the Royal Canin Hydrolized protein diet, which has soy protein because they have severe food allergies and autoimmune disorders in which they cannot eat raw food as it has made them almost fatally ill in the past (it gave my now 7-year-old anemia). So over time and after many different kibbles on and off, my vet recommended the RC Hyrdolized protein diet. They have been fully transitioned on it for about almost two weeks now, I am at a loss in terms of what to do because on one hand, I'm told it's okay but then, on the other hand, I'm told it's not. Please advise.
the more beautiful and glamorous the packaging, the worse the content!
I hsve 7 rescue cats that I ended up taking in when I was trapping stray/feral cats in my neighborhood for TNR program at our local animal shelter. Most of the cats I trapped over a 6 year period were released after TNR,, and a few kittens I was able to find homes for and also a couple friendly adult cats I was able to place. But I also took into my own home 6 kittens and one young adult cat that I could not place for various reasons. And one was a kitten we adopted from an animal rescue early on. That's how I came to have 7 cats. I am feeding them all can food primarily, with a little dry kibble on the side each day. I feed all but 2 cats primarily canned Friskies because I can't afford to feed a better quality can food to all 7 cats. Two of my cats eat a better quality canned food do to having allergies. I also have one dog. Pet food and pet care is becoming more expensive all the time and it is difficult when you have multiple pets. So canned Friskies will have to do, but I wish I could feed them all a better/more expensive can food, but can't.
Hello doctor, I am from India and I love your channel. I have been feeding my cat home cooked food (chicken and fish boiled) What all supplements shall I add to his food please? Thank you.
Convenience is the poison of the pet foods! Before WW2 you fed what you ate and cats were not confined indoors!