I cant believe what I'm watching, B Real is 52 years old and he is just like a teenager. Watching all these guys took me back to when I was in high school and doing exactly what they're doing. These dudes including b real are so immature, he never grew up, mentally!!!
this is probably cocky and extremely false, but I feel I can do this. The boys hotbox after the skate session at the park every night and we be ripping bongs and smokin woods at the same time in that mf xD.
The outro all you see is cali throw up a peace symbol, I mean culda ben e also haha couldnt see, prolly a 2 ounce smoke box right there, half a zip each one I'd say?
OG Kush is known for its Pine tree terpenes which are known for its bronchodilating properties. For people that dont know what it means; it opens up your airways when you inhale the smells of Pine trees
is the gateway
Ride or die. With B-Real it Smoke or die!
Holy shit it’s dope as yola this is honestly amazing for the weed community
Higher than eagle twat.https://youtu.be/go_WZnmG-3U
3m in and it’s cloudy asf in there

Two of my favorite stoners 

love to see it
As time goes on the high thoughts get more and more relevant

Yo your goated breal
I lost bros in the back halfway through the vid, was wondering where the voice was coming from im high
When are y'all gonna stop using butane lighters? You're killing brain cells

you cant even see the two bros in the background crazy sesh !!!
Perfect size joints

Major League
have you seen how cool some RGB car strip mods are? I hope you can look into them since they would be sick for lighting your videos
Shout out to oxygen

Do Baby Smoove Next!!!!!!!!!

Yola couldn't hang, he kept trying to burn his down with his lighter. BReal is a true smoker
This the only dude ive ever seen smoke them big old chungas like me i could definitely smoke with breal
B sounds like a way cooler Pauly shore with his voice
I cant believe what I'm watching, B Real is 52 years old and he is just like a teenager. Watching all these guys took me back to when I was in high school and doing exactly what they're doing. These dudes including b real are so immature, he never grew up, mentally!!!
this is probably cocky and extremely false, but I feel I can do this. The boys hotbox after the skate session at the park every night and we be ripping bongs and smokin woods at the same time in that mf xD.
You know you're smokin when you got Thomas looking like that
The outro all you see is cali throw up a peace symbol, I mean culda ben e also haha couldnt see, prolly a 2 ounce smoke box right there, half a zip each one I'd say?
Oh damn! Really??? So good!!!!
Can you please also call UrbanRemo, customgrow420, Arjan strainhunter, rawog420 and Erick Khan?
Nice …

The ending of these should be a wide shot of the car with yall getting out and the smoke leaving.
Those big J's look cartoony trippy
4 massive jumbo joints
Moving to Colorado from Cali, I gotta say I miss some good OG.
Alguien debería traducirlo al español y poner la voz para la gente que no sabe inglés y nos gusta el trip con estos videos

28:10 “You felt some shi” what happened that foo touched your hair or what?”

OG Kush is known for its Pine tree terpenes which are known for its bronchodilating properties. For people that dont know what it means; it opens up your airways when you inhale the smells of Pine trees
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God damn you couldn’t even see Ezone and Cali blaze lol. I would of love to see the smoke coming out the doors. Lol
This gave me anxiety
I am fuckin dead hahahahahahaha great great dope ass shit smoke box hahahahahaha
This guy's in the back hahahahaha hahah IVORY IVORY YOU CAN SEE ME ONLY WHEN YOU ME SMOKE HAHAHAHA
Broooooooooo! This is Legendary
The the the the
Give a lucky fan a chance to go chop it up. id fucking be shaking w anxiety to smoke w you. living legend
Yo @Breal wish you’d have me on your show bro. It would be a dream come true to smoke with you fellas