24 Commentaires

  1. What I don't understand is I was told by a farmer that the pigs and cows get vaccines for the coronavirus and have for YEARS.. so with that being said is this virus really so new to us? I don't know I just don't understand LOL

  2. Dont buy commercial dog food. Between poor food source and chemicals and synthetic supplements don't expose your pets or your family. Gross, just feed what you eat adding more meats and avoid the certain dangerous ones like onions.Blessings to the journey and good health for all

  3. One more thing to stress over! I boil chicken tenderloins or thighs for my Hairless Crested on the daily, but he needs to eat more veggies.e use to love them but as a senior he turns away from most. I need to buy vitamins because he’s 14. How much should I use for a 15 pound dog that has a grade 4 heart murmur? Or should I let him eat whatever he wants and enjoy our time together and not let stress ruin the dance that remains?

  4. What can we do, collectively, to get something done now? Would a White House petition help? The FDA, in my opinion, could care less if I sent them an email about my outrage. Thoughts??

  5. In order to become pet food the animals have to be divested of their lives, whatever the circumstances. Whether they are euthanized or dispatched in another way seems irrelevant. As long as the euthanized animals are not suffering from disease – making their meat unhealthy to eat – it seems the sensible thing to use them for animal food. Isn't that better than wasting the meat? I find it difficult to see the objection. Ideally I would prefer not to see any animal killed, for any reason, but we are not living in an ideal world.

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