FIDGET SPINNER WEED WHEEL!! juillet 7, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 31 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Yo, this was mad fun to do. I know y’all hate fidget spinners, but I had a damn … Check on YouTube StrainCentral
CBD Reviews WEEDTUBE WAKE & BAKE! – (Episode 50) juillet 18, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 42 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* From IRS agents getting busted for trying to bribe weed stores, to more weedy … Check on YouTube
CBD Reviews Herb Preserve Jars (Unboxing/Product Review) août 16, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 0 LEGAL MEDICAL & RECREATIONAL CANNABIS USE (18+)* Herb Preserve sent over a sample pack of their Smell-Proof, airtight … Check on YouTube
CBD Reviews WEEDTUBE WAKE & BAKE! – (Episode 73) juillet 4, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 48 (18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* From pepsi factories turned to pot farms, to amazon accidentally shipping weed, … Check on YouTube
I love how he tells the rules like they are very official 😂 not like this is an arbitrary game ran by a fidget spinner Répondre
I know I’m like a year late to this video, but dude. Epic party game idea, or just something to do with like 3 or 4 friends. Répondre
Make a big wheel and do this during weed tube wake and bake, would be a great addition to my weekend Répondre
in Australia 80 Fahrenheit is 26 Celsius which is is cold for us, we get hot at 35 which is 95 Fahrenheit Répondre
I thought you were going to use a fidger spinner with the three holes and put joints in them. This was..interesting.. too 😂 Répondre
Lol love it
Dab waster
am i really baked or is the loading circle a fidget spinner
LMAOOO 15:01
I love how he tells the rules like they are very official 😂 not like this is an arbitrary game ran by a fidget spinner
Where did you get the fab egg? Please let me known
I know I’m like a year late to this video, but dude. Epic party game idea, or just something to do with like 3 or 4 friends.
This dude looks like Daniel Bryan
awesome game song
Make a big wheel and do this during weed tube wake and bake, would be a great addition to my weekend
You need to be really high to enjoy one of these:)
14:59 🙂
in Australia 80 Fahrenheit is 26 Celsius which is is cold for us, we get hot at 35 which is 95 Fahrenheit
So Weed Does Give You Cancer.
I clicked on this ONLY for the comments who else?
so creative and hilarious xD
I laughed hard at the elephant noise on the last rip :´D
I wish the Florida summers were only 80 degrees and no humidity
Best use of a fidget spinner ever.
The only person that has made Fidget Spinners look cool in 2k17
I like where this channel is going, keep up the good work.
almost at 420k subs gud meme
U look like a tamato
How do you burn a whole bowl with 1 rip??
6:26 when you dab after taking a dab
Drink your milk kids
Jesus wept
do this again its a cool idea
I lost faith in humanity when fidget spinners came out
I thought you were going to use a fidger spinner with the three holes and put joints in them.
This was..interesting.. too 😂