43 Commentaires

  1. Hard-shelled tacos are tacos dorados! 100% Mexican! And it didn’t start in Mitla Café. It’s origins are 100% Mexican. My family makes tacos dorados all the time with picadillo or “con papa.” We don’t make street tacos at home.

  2. Can’t believe that I went into this with a real craving for some good hard shell shredded beef tacos & of course I’m thinking the location will be no where near me since I’m staying in

    I nearly fell off my seat seeing that this place that I drive by daily sells great hard shell tacos cause I been looking everywhere for some

  3. Noticed how they didn't even film him eating Titos tacos..because there not good..only people from Culver city would say there good ..but my people from Central all the way to the East side of LA would say they taste plain ..JUST SAYING 🤷‍♂️

  4. I'm a 52 year old native of Tucson, AZ and have been eating and making good Mexican my whole life. Tacos Dorados are an art form – but they should never have crappy yellow cheddar tossed on as an afterthought. Cotija on lettuce. And if you must cheddar – you out it onbthe meat FIRST so it can melt.

  5. Pinche Pancho. Te la rifas caon. Me cae que si algun dia andas en Inglewood te invito una barbacha, unas carnitas, chelas y tequila caon. Igual si algun dia andas por el barrio de Ticoman aca en la GAM caele we y nos chingamos unos de suaperro. Chingon compa. Saludos

  6. My mom came from Mexico she has passed now. But when frying tacos she would ask soft, medium or hard tortillas
    shell. She opened a Mexican restaurant in 1960. That was a thing.
    At least she sold her enchilada sauce recipe for $50.00 to a rep from an American food company. I was there when it happened $50.00
    was big money then.

  7. Queso fresco and media crema(table cream) make a huge difference when eating tacos dorados. Not trying to be rude, but this was was my least favorite episode because of all the hard shell tacos. I'm not a huge fan of cheddar cheese on tacos. Everything just looked kinda meh.

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