28 Commentaires

  1. Getting a mild cold that is a coronavirus (not Wuhan or SARS) might give you some resistance to the Wuhan coronavirus–so you won't get SO sick. I was just cat sitting a cat that got diarrhea AND a runny nose and refused to eat for a while. He gets diarrhea I think from the Raccoons sometimes, but I have never seen him this sick or totally not eating. He went to the vet for fluids, but basically it just took time. He did recover. Owner had a cold, too. I didn't get sick and I do get up close and personal with kitty. So I don't know about me but, milk maids hand milking cows got cow pox and so survived the small pox epidemic and helped create the first known "vaccine" and I was thinking that kindness to animal might help confer immunity on people when they share disease. (As opposed to small wild animals freaking out in cages in the market in Wuhan.) . You should get the RNA of that virus checked. It would be interesting.

  2. Dr Jones, thank you. My husband and i decided to take Hachi out on a certain time now, avoiding too many dogs and crowds. In the mean time I am going to talk about Coronavirus. The late Dr Li, was the first doctor in China who warned the Chinese Government about the Coronavirus but his warning was ignored and Wuhan police arrested him and made him signed a document. Dr Li was infected with the virus and sadly died in Feb. 6 2020. It is reported that before the world knew about the virus, about 5 million people from Wuhan left Wuhan. On top of that, there was tourists coming to China or Chinese tourist went abroad. No one knew that some of them are infected and the greater risk of it all. It is all due to the Chinese Government trying to keep it quiet but now every places in China is on locked down. The recent news is shown how the Chinese Government treated their own people. How do we stop this? We cannot stop anyone travelling abroad. You all still go out, doing whatever you doing. S Coronavirus is not invented in a lab. Dr Jones, you have a great.

  3. Black seed oil and colloidal silver are natural antibiotics they will boost your immune system turmeric root and ginger root and coconut water and also herbal teas with coconut oil and raw honey I suggest green tea peppermint tea and sticks of cinnamon

  4. Thanks for this. Today in UK there is news that their is a virus going around affecting our dogs vomiting and stomach problems lasting a few days. Apparently many vets have reported this sudden increase.

  5. People should not fear pets causing illness. It's stupid how people live by fear and think they need to get rid of their pets because they might catch something like what's happening in China. That would be as dumb as fearing your child making you sick or a loved one. Would get rid of family too because of fear?

  6. What a difference a week makes. Now we not only know that it definitely spreads from human to human, but that it can do so before or after a person has symptoms. If they even have symptoms. 14,000 confirmed and more than 300 dead. (If you believe the news coming out from China, that is.)

    News coming out from Hong Kong is that one case of n cOv has spread from dog to human. They said that the dog was asymptomatic. Just a carrier.

    The disease may have spread from bat to human, so we know that it can go back and forth between species. I guess that it shouldn't be a surprise that our pets are vulnerable, too.

    What a mess.

  7. Would it work for cats too? And how to recognize those rare yet serious side-effects of coronvirus infection in cats ? What symptoms should we look for in case of cats which usually try to hide any disease or infection?

  8. Your so lucky you live where you do, you might manage to escape this one. I've been following this story and it seems the people in charge are pretty much releasing this on us.

  9. I have a question for you if you would please? Even if you have a link to a video done in the past. My question is can dogs eat oregano. I have taken Oregano to cure myself of infections, and I know it’s good for chickens.

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