45 Commentaires

  1. all that shit looks so good, it literally looks even better than full melt, i wouldn't be surprised if its under the solvent less. I saw nikka t and bamf made some solvent less shatter haha id like to try that

  2. I hope the dispensary peeps give you some good discounts considering how many on point reviews you guys do & you always shout out the name and where it is located. Good info. 

  3. Man… Here you guys are smoking the best bubble hash in the world and i'm just smoking outdoor dank, i've never smoked hash before in my life. We grow amazing outdoor here in Australia because of the climate but compared to that hash… I can't even begin to know what it would smell and taste like XD

    Chill video as always guys, looking forward for Wake n Bake Wednesday.

  4. most uploaders would have just left the original up and left it but the ccc always thinks about the subs reminds me of the time you uploaded a vid with some dubstep in the background and some people got butthurt and you uploaded it again with some rap.   keep it up cheers 

  5. i had some sugary looking headband 4 years ago and have remembered it ever since as the #1 melt ive had. its that sugar style of making melt, its amazing for flavor, incredibly sweet, i hope we see more sugar style melt in so cal soon

  6. Man loved last vid of tangerine kush, then saw this posted watching now and can't wait too way all the way through.Love you guys and your vids and thanks for representing us smokers in such good quality. Thanks Guys  

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