44 Commentaires

  1. Lmao did you really just say that San Jose Organics tested their meds? Cause that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! Hahahah c'mon now, if you have ever been to SJo & seen the shatter & concentrates they actually sell; some of those would never ever pass a test for sale to patients, but they sell it anyways.

  2. Where do you get this stuff only medical states? I have had the clearest shatter some actually clear with no color and I have still yet to see these bomb ass full melts. They look like sex in a jar. I want some. 

  3. Fuck man. I've been watching you guys since 2011, and I'm still living in Texas so I come no where near this good of shit. Nice to watch and enjoy the content though, and hopefully one day my state can wake the fuck up!

  4. Hey man just spotted your videos today. I've been missin out! Lovin it. How much is a gram of bomb wax goin for in Cali. It's $80 to $100 in Arizona. Let me know

  5. No offence but i think you should pull the show now because you just don't look interested anymore kinda boring to watch now. You should team up with hayleyissoar for a final episode or maybe bring bob back or something

  6. If y'all wanna watch a good review to go brealtv he got some good stuff like the smoke box episodes ccc dope but not consistent enough in my opinion …BREALTV YAL CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!

  7. never gonna unsubscribe but y'all have been slackin' pretty hard!! we need vids boys!! They don't have to have a format or guidline to follow…. just film a session!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hey guys My names nicole and this is my boyfriends and i yt channel please subscribe for weekly smoke videos, vlogs, and just random things having to do with getting medicated! WE WILL BE UPLOADING OUR FIRST VIDEO TODAY thank you !!!!

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