Zkittlez is a strain that popped up a couple of years ago and instantly blew everyone away with the flavor profile. Originally bred by … Check on YouTube
It looks like hes improved lately but I was only extremely disappointed with my klein from him. Bubbles would go up the return arm and you had to have a bunch of water to get it to function properly which just made it way too chuggy. The uptake arm needed to be all 1 even thickness to get the venturi effect which is the basis for how recyclers work. It looks like in this vid the arm is much more uniform so he may have finally improved, but i was very happy to get rid of it
the red bubbles are probably from reduction of the color. he probably striped the rain drop over clear trapping some bubbles. reduction comes from not using enough oxygen on the torch. not a bad thing some people like that look.
This was a good ass throwback
lmao my girl said that shit look crooked like the "leaning tower of piza"
Nice, love JME's work hes local to me in mass, greeat dude!
sacred g dab mat is dope
the sections are clean, but there are deffo people doing tighter/ more intricate
omg, that thing is fireeeee
red in the blue dream happens when its overworked its the color burning out
It looks like hes improved lately but I was only extremely disappointed with my klein from him. Bubbles would go up the return arm and you had to have a bunch of water to get it to function properly which just made it way too chuggy. The uptake arm needed to be all 1 even thickness to get the venturi effect which is the basis for how recyclers work. It looks like in this vid the arm is much more uniform so he may have finally improved, but i was very happy to get rid of it
An Absolutely beautiful Piece!
Awesome beard man looks so much better now you grew it so thick I cant remember the last time you had it that thick mad props
why not use a timer on nails
Idk if you're positive it's raindrop or not but Northstar Glass' Glacier Blue tends to have red streaks/spots show up randomly throughout.
been looking at snagging one, great prices
monday to sunday I REP BBK
how do you not know the track you must not be into hip hop cool when you have your to smoke
Cheers from Colorado Springs! Dabbing some fresh rosin I made a couple days ago.
What's Magweedo up to these days?
Cool piece. What're u smoking on?
Hell yeah, Dope sesh, Cheers from TBJ!
Did u pick this up from Aqua lab tech ?
thats dope we ALWAYS rock the newest mood mats shane. haha our glass would look sick together brother.
Cheers to you Shane
I like the reviews men
Love the glass pieces men
Ku$hGang420 cheers to The CCC402
the red bubbles are probably from reduction of the color. he probably striped the rain drop over clear trapping some bubbles. reduction comes from not using enough oxygen on the torch. not a bad thing some people like that look.
I own a JME clear klein.
Absolutely love it!
it would be interesting to know the price of this piece ? how much did it cost ?
Nice recycler rig cheers