23 Commentaires

  1. Really appreciate your content man, I’m new into the cannabis culture now that New Mexico legalized Mary Jane. Your content is by far the most informative and entertaining in all of YouTube 🤘🏻🔥

  2. Im from California bay area this was my first weed strain that i smoked when i was in high school. You wont be able to find this strain around the streets no more in the bay. This is a really good strain trust me i would highly recommend to buy a seed and grow it yourself.

  3. Thanks for a sweet review dude. Try lighting the J without sucking the lighter fluid through the J though. Just hold the flame under the end and rotate until its lit. You will notice a flavour difference you will appreciate. Cheers bud

  4. Can’t wait till BC opens the Borders again love The Weed from over There love your vids man keep it up always smoke with you every time a new video drops much love from Nova Scotia🇨🇦

  5. Another groovy vid Ross my man- sorry so late catching ur vid bro it was my girls(bubba kush) first LST day! At least it wasnt those girls and the pineapple upside down cake girls to! 🤣🤘

  6. Sorry I said that wrong you don't always have new bud I meant to say you don't always have to have new Bud. I know that's a big job in the lot of Dedication 2 stay with a different body everyday basically to do a review on that's awesome

  7. Just want to let you know that I look forward to your videos so so much. Even if it's just you smoking a joint you don't always have new Bud for a review but I know you always do because you're a beast and I appreciate that so much that you keep the fire videos flowing. Always can look forward for a new strain review. Stoked🙏🙏🙏😇👊👊💯☺😍

  8. Too Groovy cannabis brotha but of all the strains you smoked whats your favorite? Me wow there's a few of them but i do like the fruity strains like banana kush or pineapple upside down cake i haven't tried that one yet but. Hoping to get it & try it. Out of site session much respect to you & 🇨🇦 ✌& 1- 💘

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