Check on YouTube
Here are all the entries for the third HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in the Bay Area – Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, Edible, and … Check on YouTube
HIGH TIMES’ fave Method Man discusses legalization, strain names and the drug war in this gem from the HT vault. This interview … Check on YouTube
The January 2016 issue of HIGH TIMES magazine explores the relationship between pot and sex. After all, there’s a mountain of … Check on YouTube
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Hope you're 420 is a blast. Enjoy & stay fadded.
420 ing right now on some bubble. If it don't bubble it aint worth the trouble.
HAPPY 420!!
I'm a reefer repeater,
A cannabis seeker,
Lend me your ear
and I'm a marijuana speaker,
Setting the bass-line,
Adjust the trouble,
Like a puff of smoke in space time,
too continue ummm…
Regulate your intake
and hold it in,
Blow it out,
then do it again.
The Government says
its akin to sin,
the green enemy within,
but Pac had it right,
real eyes, realize, real lies.
I will be high watching this movie
Peace Love & Understanding!! Happy 420
Happy 4/20 y'all
here on 320 views. what is wrong with my synCHRONICity
real movie?
I get my first paycheck today it's fate
its my b-day
happy 420