23 Commentaires

  1. I usually take my dogs on what I call a "lazy walk" when it's hot outside. A lazy walk is putting them in the car and taking them to the open field where we usually walk. I don't want their paws on the hot concrete or asphalt. I always have a sport bottle with water in case they need some water.

  2. I have just found your channel would like to thankyou , in the advice how to treat cat flu. I had rung my vets as they wanted to charge £30 to look at my cat before any medicine as a few months ago the vet saw my cat saw he was healthy and had cat flu and now I would have to take him back to get charged more and to be ripped off instead of just giving the medicine .

  3. My anxiety is so much worse in the summer because I constantly worry about people leaving dogs in hot cars or walking them on sizzling hot asphalt, etc… I think most people have good intentions, so just making them aware of what they're doing wrong (in a gentle way) is crucial. Thanks for sharing this information!

  4. My heelers have an air conditioned / heated dog house. They’re 11 years old and really showing their age now. We used to play ball for hours every day. Not so much now like we used to . I have a golf cart they’ve alwaysrode with me or just followed along but this Texas heat is dangerous so time playing and running is limited . They stay in their doghouse with cold a/c and fans and in winter they have heat. I love my dogs (3 heelers and a small chihuahua. I also keep a water trough full of water for them to get in. They love the water hose sprayed on em too. They’re my children my life is as dedicated to my dogs and catsand my other livestock as theirs is to me

  5. Here in England we don't really have hot summers but it does happen. The day Hachi came to our lives, I prepare everything, I bought fans, cooling mat and jacket for him (I got them from pets at home). We do not take him out for walks when its hot. Maybe to us, its bearable but it is his paws, it may just be too hot. And always bring bottle of water. When we travelling in the car, the air con will be on just for Hachi. Love my baby so much. Thank you Dr Jones.

  6. It's been in the 100s here, I don't let my dogs out except to use the bathroom. I cannot understand why people take their dogs out in their cars, worse leave them in the back of trucks and even worse, those who leave them outside or chain them where they can't even seek shade. Many poor animals don't even have water. Or…putting the water bowl in the hot sun…such cruelty.

  7. I have no AC just fans ..and in B.C last few days it's been 35-41 degrees C!! We're all suffering. I keep my dog in shade. Or near a fan if we're home…I bought him a turtle pool for the deck too. Everything helps .

  8. I carry 6 big neck cool wraps,no freezing needed they stay cold for hours works very good.I wrap one around each of my 3 dogs neck,cools blood flowing to and from head and use close pin for clasp so it can break away if needed.

  9. Hello Dr.Jones,love your videos….my 3months old GSD is diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy…and having mild convulsions with continues Head wobbling and jaw jerks… She's on Phenobarbitone 15mg B.I.D right now…its very painful to see her convulsing.Can she be cured completely ever???what all precautions can i take and safe medications to give…kindly suggest…thank you in advance..

  10. Excellent video! Audio/video sync was a little funny in some parts on my playback. Still excellent information that I needed for my new little rescues in the dessert southwest US.

  11. A few days ago we were visiting in Nebraska (I call it the Heat Stroke State). Anyhow are oldest dog was
    panting even more than usual; no a/c in the home. I took her outside and sat in the car for
    hours with windows down singing to her and putting ice near groin. (It was evening and quite cool
    outside vs. hot house. Song of choice…."Homeward Bound", Paul Simon. She's home now and
    we are all happy to be back!

  12. Ty I was needing this! My 2yr old dachshund and I are living homeless outside. At times it’ll get real hot, I’ll see his chest moving in and out super fast when resting, but he won’t pant. I thought I’d had hurt him by an outside hose bath, since he was so hot that day. We’re not use to the heat at all, but had to leave in an emergency situation from my home. God help us get in a home before July and August heat comes. My dog has seizures on an average of one a mth even before the heat temps set in.

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