38 Commentaires

  1. If you're watching this thinking about getting a "herb iron" just go to eBay and get a cheapo soldering iron with ceramic heating element. $8-$9 and all you gotta do is unscrew the tip. AND they go from 250 – 450. And they heat up pretty quick . This is basically a branded over priced soldering iron.

  2. that is ceramic, it's not a question of if but when it breaks. it should have replaceable heads. you don't use it anymore, probably because it broke. ceramic used in these products tend to be porous which gets hot and expands gas causing it to break. also, it's constantly shedding particles you don't see that you end up inhaling. I don't understand why people use ceramic.

  3. I really want one of those it looks like you can get a decent vaper hit, not many products can function the way they make them self out to be but just by looking at this i known this is the product for me.

  4. I've had mine for over a year now and I never let it cool down completely in between hits. Hell when I sesh with my buddies the herb iron is passed along with the bong. Hovering and allowing for it to vape the herb provides the most tastiest hits that'll make you wanna slap a monkey. One thing I never do though is let it get cherry red for than 10 seconds at a time. Just my way of preventing any mishaps with the operation of it.

  5. Love your vids!! But your backwards.. A soldering iron is colder than the herb iron.. Soldering takes place at 600-800f and the herb iron is well over 1000 to glow red. Keep up the vids!!

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