39 Commentaires

  1. Mines took a week in the dirt. I put them outside for 2 days and then just put them back in my room which is cooler than the upper level of the house. The cool weather is growing my plants fast. I was even lucky to get a duplicate plant from one seed thanks to the seed grower booster I put in it….Imma let it grow a little more bigger n then separate them.

  2. What soil did you use I’m growing and it’s been in a mason jar full of soil I got from the park only little bits of grass have grown what should I do different or change up

  3. Happened meat seeds cannabis bad hurt hand don't coke soda dangerous weed no good best water like use like weed cookies cannabis seeds nice shop Los Angeles county lost Stockton California wish more cookies weed move community here shop Stockton California yes fix pay see paper photo weed cannabis purple cookies

  4. I hate growers that detour new growers telling them they need grow cubes and craziness tbh if you put the seeds in a water bottle in a hot area it will build moisture in bottle will work 100% of the time just need heat and darkness I cover mine with a black or two sock often

  5. Soaked my seeds and they dropped by 3rd hour left for 18 hours and then moved to paper towel nd tap root formed and planted it but it isn't coming out the soil yet nd it's been 2 days since I placed and lightly put soil ontop

  6. I bought a flower from a local cannabis shop and harvested the seeds. None of them germinated. I have one left and I just decided to chuck it into some clean soil and hope for the best at this point. Was it me or is it not a good idea to get seeds from a cannabis shop flower?

  7. I do a classic square dance with my seeds then I put them on a falcon 9 rocket to low earth orbit. When they return I slack them in battery acid, a town stomp them, and finally plant them directly into the mouth of an owl.

    So far I’ve been seeing 100% success 👌

  8. You didn't bother to say how long they should be in the paper towel or for that matter any specific lengths of time that these processes should take. It would be nice if there was more information in the video about specific times as well as just the natural process of how the seed germinates

  9. Im gonna put some seeds in a small glass of water and check later to see how many seeds float to the bottom, either way im gonna use all the seeds I put in the cup even if they don't sink and just dunk them into a pot of miracle gro

  10. Sorry I'm late but honestly video were very helpful i growed cannabis before ofc but it's been awhile and i honestly needed to get on da right track but now tanks to u ik today two of my babies die😭😭 because of too much light

  11. 🤔 70-90°F or 20-21°C (1:36 min) ???
    70°F=21°C 90°F=32°C!!!
    Did you meant 20-30°C?
    Besides of the mistake in that clip!
    I am not trying to confuse you! But the Temperatures proposed on different channels are really varying from 20-30°C or 70-90°F!
    Is this dependent on the sort of seed or the strain?

  12. Great info. As a seed breeder, I can tell you, this is all correct. I think the primary reason most people have issues is they don’t know these guidelines, coupled with anxiety and over care. Just leave them alone, give water and nutrients only, until they are well established. Waiting 2-3 weeks before beginning training is important. Watch for pests and goooood luck!

  13. How do you like this one? I ended up with mostly male plants in an outdoor grow, and the few female plants had seeds, then got moldy before the flowers were ready to harvest. So I just left them. I went back recently just to see how the plot looked, and despite it being winter with temps in the 40s F (and some occasional freezing), and tons of rain there were seeds germinating ON THE PLANT. So I planted them indoors, and some are thriving. I never would have guessed they could germinate outdoors in winter!

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