The Baja-style fish taco is quite possibly the taco king of the West Coast. In this episode, we’ll trace its origin back to the Mercado … Check on YouTube
I'm sorry but weed and alcohol or even wine don't go together. When your drunk and high it gets you sick, and how are you going to smoke and eat at the same time that's a real party foul
@0:16 idk if it’s just me or dude on the left was tryna be a smart ass with Abdullah. & the girl next to him caught it lol maybe I’m just reading too much into it
Research the connection between Harry J Anslinger and William R Hearst’s “yellow journalism “ and you will find out a lot about cannabis prohibition and the racial lies that brought it about.
Weed/Wine/Woman and Fine Food 🙂 Class!!!
I'm sorry but weed and alcohol or even wine don't go together. When your drunk and high it gets you sick, and how are you going to smoke and eat at the same time that's a real party foul
7:57–7:59 Abdullah😩😩
Hey guys, check out this thc infused sugar
This man is a genius
This man is either super cross faded, or so stoned he’s slurring his words
i dunno this guy is mad annoying…his stoned personality is so played out – like get it together. It seems he irritates his guest too. Space cadette.
@0:16 idk if it’s just me or dude on the left was tryna be a smart ass with Abdullah. & the girl next to him caught it lol maybe I’m just reading too much into it
I never knew that all I needed was a kinda cute girl to describe how cheese was made to give a shit about the process.
Wow I just got my blue dream weed from Cracklady on telegram
if u live in north hatley. or are in town i bee looking fo some kush comment on this post or email me what ever
yo everyone fr got big mad at him not puff puff passing XDDD
I o
hey this was released on my 17 birthday best unknown birthday video ever
New video suggestion!
Abdullah: Where is he now?!
i like how he prnounces his own name as Ab-Dulluh
Yo 4:20 when they laugh it looks awkward as fuckkk
Research the connection between Harry J Anslinger and William R Hearst’s “yellow journalism “ and you will find out a lot about cannabis prohibition and the racial lies that brought it about.
This is a genius move!
Nice. 😊
This dude is cool . Do yall have any recent shows?
the worst kind of bogarting stoner.
Hello I was wondering would you guys be interested in cover a Edible event in Chicago IL on October 26th from 5:30-8pm?
LoL… Stoner… hahahahaha… Love this guy…