32 Commentaires

  1. Why do kalibloom pens cause coughing?
    Is it true that sativa doesn't cause tiredness?
    Is there a tester to detect if a smoke shop is selling laced weed products?

  2. Bring back the old school style cannabis cup videos with the strain names and winners and each category, the were some of my favourite videos to watch. You used to upload them yearly then just suddenly stopped making them

  3. All of them on the table what can u asy about HIGH Times the best show on u tube 💯 I HOPE TO BE A JUDGE LIVE IN MARYLAND WE HAVE TO GET legal hope some time in the future congrats to all the winners 🏆 . Great concert Great video Great show much love ✌ 🔥🔥🔥💯💨💨💨

  4. Apologies our stream got disrupted due to connection issues… you know how it is.
    However, we still kept the show running! Standby as full length HD award show will be posted shortly.

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