42 Commentaires

  1. Jews and Italians have always gotten along in NYC. They've shared the same neighborhoods and despite some meaningful differences, there's also significant cultural continuity. My best friend is a "pizza bagel", i.e., half Italian, half Jewish.

  2. I would like to find out the ratio of the salt/sugar moisture to water ratio to brine all that fish for 1 week. Any former employees out there that know. I have made my own nova lox with a dry cure method, one whole side fillet of salmon and that too about 17 hours. I had to make a cut to taste it and check the penetration of the cure into the fillet. The I did the same thing with a fan for only 2 hours, then I cols smoked it on a cool day in a shed using a hot smoker inside the shed with the front door open a little to let the smoke out but keep in the heat inside the smoker. I used hickory sawdust and did that for 10 hours. It was just as good as Acme's. I'm not BS'n you.

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