44 Commentaires

  1. Thanks for the feedback on this video, really worked hard on it! Remember sharing the video to your social media helps the channel than anything else possibly could!

    Live streams almost everyday! Usually around 7-9pm UK time!

  2. Holy crap. One of the best perspectives on this I've ever seen. To everyone who hasn't smoked cannabis for their first time. Enjoy that shit. You get one trip to infinity. After that your like Buzz Lighter leaping off stairs.

  3. This isn't really about high you can physically become. It's just a thought experiment about infinity that uses cannabis as a placeholder for the explanation.

    How high you can get is a physiological question. Like how much cannabis can you consume before you pass out? Or like how the brain can go before it can no longer uptake a certain chemical.

    Uptake may not be the right word, but it's the gist of my point.

  4. The highest you can get is what ever the lethal dose is before it kills you, which is unknown to cannabis because it seems impossible to over dose by practical methods… And I guess nobody has tried to inject lethal doses of thc direct into the blood stream so we will never know.

  5. I am a brand new sub, I saw your whole situation of the restriction through youtube thinking your account was hacked on a Scarce video. I don't even know what kind of content you make yet but I came to figure that out and show my support. Congrats on getting your account fixed! All the best -Your newest Sub

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