31 Commentaires

  1. I always tell people, eat edibles just before/after you eat and try and eat something with high fat content if you really want them to hit like a brick. Another comment said it bit THC binds to fat so the more fat it can bind to the more gets absorbed in ur system. I've been high for 12-14 hours sometimes by mistake 🙃 🤣

  2. i like to drink milk while having edibles and try to chew as much as possible so it breaks down faster. eating something with the edibles help too esp if theyre super fatty. whether or not im on an empty stomach doesnt matter much bcs i smoke regularly-ish it does hit better if i ate like 2 hours before i think

  3. Taking edibles on an empty stomach is for heavy users, novice and infrequent users should eat food first or better yet while eating! Eat something like pizza or a greasy cheeseburger, you’ll get higher and it will last longer. Your liver is the one metabolizing the THC.

  4. I had a stomach tumor removed and was warned in advance that the Vegas nerve witch controls the bottom valve in the stomach and other things could be cut. It did get cut and the bottom valve in my stomach stays open all of the time. It does cause some other issues that I won't get into but, The benefit is that 2.5 mg of gummy will take effect in a few minutes and last for over 10 hours. It is so cost effective that a 200 mg package of MKX gummy's at a cost of around $20.00 can keep me stoned for over 10 hours a day for over 80 days! I wish that I never had to go through the surgery and be normal again and could drink lots of beer and Tequila!!

  5. I used some medical bud and gave my really fat friend one firecracker and his wife thought I drugged him or some shit lol so I'm the opposite an I'm just feeling ok.
    Needless to say his wife made him stop talking to me cuz I wasn't working full time lol this is what ppl from New England r like city's mainly. Only judge others

  6. I think the heavier the edible – i.e. brownies, cookies, shakes etc, the more sugar that is in there, the longer it seems to take, and the harder it seems to hit. Same with THC jerky I had. It took longer but because of the fat levels in there, the heavier and longer the high felt.

  7. Back in the day one of my girls made some brownies and I like them all the sudden I started fixing their bicycles and raising my kids my daughter's for teenagers who made some pot brownies and step dad got a hold of time it was pretty nice

  8. Recreational & medical legal nationwide💪🇺🇸 Stop killing THC for those of us it's medicinal. My body, my choice❣️🇺🇸💪✝️🙏🦅🎩🇺🇸 Genesis 1 : 11-12

  9. Eating on a empty stomach it may start to hit you faster but not as hard. If you eat fatty foods with the edibles then it will bond to those fats and sticks round way longer getting way more cannabinoids absorbed throughout the process.

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