This is a step by step tutorial on How To Roll A Backwood (Intended for the 21 & over) I constantly get asked to do this video …but I … Check on YouTube
Hey what’s up bro my name is Jack. I love your show your brand your everything lol. I would love to go the grower route. I live in Philly and I love growing. Tried a couple times and loved but always loved the process even though it was lost 😞 But I loved your video!!! It was so inspiring man. I’m searching on how to get into the industry in my state but it’s hard. Do you have any advice Plus I’m also willing to start from the bottom. Like the janitor. I hope you have a chance to read this message and get back to me.Peace ✌🏼
I’m 18 living in England and just recently started a job in construction my dream is to work in the cannabis industry tho legalisation needs to happen here asappp
From a random coming across yur videos. You do an excellent job and very articulate presentation. This is educational and motivational that applys to all work.
i grow a room of plants with my dad, i'm excited for the future of legal weed and hope to get into it when i get older! i'm in vermont which is a great place for cannabis, going to keep this video in my back pocket for sure!
Damn Yola, you are really one of the hardest working people I know of ever. Push Tress Cannabis extracts?! bro, thats absolutely amazing. It really makes us fans happy to see you accomplishing your goals and it really gives us motivation to do the same in our own lives My dream career is working in the cannabis industry and I really believe that I will accomplish that eventually.
Hi yola! This video has very useful and helpful information. Thank you for creating it! I would love to work with you one day when I get my brand together. 💎🏃🏽♂️🎩🥂
Gotta wait till you’re 21 is the biggest problem lmao
The dopest🔥💨
Hey what’s up bro my name is Jack. I love your show your brand your everything lol. I would love to go the grower route. I live in Philly and I love growing. Tried a couple times and loved but always loved the process even though it was lost 😞 But I loved your video!!! It was so inspiring man. I’m searching on how to get into the industry in my state but it’s hard. Do you have any advice Plus I’m also willing to start from the bottom. Like the janitor. I hope you have a chance to read this message and get back to me.Peace ✌🏼
I appreciate the advice
Anyway you could tell us how to find a cultivation facility? I live in San Diego and I don’t know the resources needed to find such companies.
learn how to treat ppl to dont say bad words to ur workers
Im watching this even tho weed is illegal in my country 😂
I’m 18 living in England and just recently started a job in construction my dream is to work in the cannabis industry tho legalisation needs to happen here asappp
I watch this at least once a day now
i want to work for you bro
41:10 have you been through that stage? how did you get out of it.
Not to mention….. out of all the business out there……. Weed stores and dispensaries get THE MOST TIPS OF ALL OF THE PROFESSIONS
Greatest video ever
From a random coming across yur videos. You do an excellent job and very articulate presentation. This is educational and motivational that applys to all work.
i grow a room of plants with my dad, i'm excited for the future of legal weed and hope to get into it when i get older! i'm in vermont which is a great place for cannabis, going to keep this video in my back pocket for sure!
shout out yola fr
great video! can't believe youtube hid this from me
congrats on the license bro when you open a store i swear i’m gonna fly to wherever it is and support
Damn Yola, you are really one of the hardest working people I know of ever. Push Tress Cannabis extracts?! bro, thats absolutely amazing. It really makes us fans happy to see you accomplishing your goals and it really gives us motivation to do the same in our own lives My dream career is working in the cannabis industry and I really believe that I will accomplish that eventually.
i be at the bitch work LMAO
Any tips on how to grow a following involving bud and plants I have 4 and would be cool to do something online with it
Bruh, mark my words, I will be a weed distributor if not, influencer. Awesome video btw, it was rlly informative
Fuck the age restrictions man I just found this
Hell ya bro
Really opened my mind wow.
what if it's illegal here…
Thanks for the info man! i can’t wait to work hard to do what i love to do most! Thanks yola🙏🏾
Hi yola! This video has very useful and helpful information. Thank you for creating it! I would love to work with you one day when I get my brand together. 💎🏃🏽♂️🎩🥂
Just started my first day as a packer at cannibis company in my home town because of this video
imma do it
ricky ima meet u one day when i’m successful in this business remember me
such a good vid.
Wow yt really black balled this vid
Thank you 🙏