24 Commentaires

  1. Did you realize that Ronald Reagan signed an actual Presidential Declaration of war when he was president against drugs? ( which makes anyone who's ever gone or going to prison for a drug related offence a literal prisoner of war )

  2. We agree with the premise and content but it is extremely difficult if not impossible to grow clean cannabis outdoors. By clean, meaning, zero pesticides or fungicides whether the sprays are considered organic or not. Also, trichomes are VERY sticky! everything and anything blowing in the wind is susceptible to sticking yo your weed, (Pollen, dust, farm sprays from upwind, etc.). Growing indoors allows one to have a superior clean end product! Thanks for sharing and thanks for allowing me to share!

  3. I think keeping the temp above 50 degrees f is ideal but I have seen multiple grows that finished with night temps in the mid 40’s and the bud looked good. Choosing a strain that will grow well in your climate zone definitely helps as well.

  4. Point 1) Live somewhere where it is actually possible to grow decent weed outdoors. The UK isn't a very good location. This years growing season was a complete waste of time. Worst ever.
    You need plenty of sun and we don't get that here. PS: I don't count Auto Flowers as 'Good Weed' either.
    Many places outdoors would also raise security issues.. EG: THEFT!

  5. Mr B's Green Trees, is the Bees Knees for outdoors ❤❤……and indoors for that matter. A quality carbon filter is a must for it tho. It smells like shit…….literally……it smells like barn yard manure. It grows massive plants and well worth the poop spray tho❤❤

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