45 Commentaires

  1. Me pregunto si este tipo de verdad creció en Venezuela. Así no se hacen las arepas. Ponga a una abuela venezolana en el vídeo para que les enseñe cómo se hace la masa y las arepas. Jamás en mi vida he metido una arepa en el horno, qué payasada es esta?

  2. Not very sure about the measurement as l am an amateur in cooking. When it says two cup flour does that means you can use any cup as long as you use the same for water ? Thanks.

  3. Really appreciate the tip about finishing these by baking in oven for a few minutes. I made these today; they turned out great! I didn't have other ingredients so I only used garlic, spinach, and scrambled eggs.

  4. The árepas is perfect to end a party night at 7:00. The areperas used to work 24/7 you can fill it with anything. Anything that is salty, some people fill it with (plátanos maduros fritos😅) with boiled eggs, fried eggs, cooked salads, or cold salads (chicken, tuna, potato), meat, chicharrón, chinchulines, mondongo. Everything you want.

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