42 Commentaires

  1. I love your content brother let me just say if you're putting pure grain alcohol under your fucking tongue holy Jesus or in your mouth holy Jesus I don't understand how people do that it burns like fire me.

  2. God I must have fucked up cause mine is very green. It's only been 24 hours but I made it a point to break up the bud real real fine so maybe that's why it seems so green. I also added the carboxolated weed straight out the oven and then put it in the freezer after the fact. 😔

  3. So I watched this video back in October and this is THE BEST one I’ve seen so far. Just a quick question. I started mines in November and it’s been in the freezer. I shake it frequently as well. Do you think it benefits from sitting for 4 months. Or did I waste my time. I do not have a potency reader

  4. Kinda new to all this tincture stuff. From ky so we don’t have easy or legal access to just experiment with it. I have ms tho and thc helps me a billion % more than anything Iv tried.

  5. Great video man 👍🏽
    Have you tried reducing it down after finishing the distilling process?
    You can use a double cooker or something home made to keep the Pyrex cup off the direct heat, make the volume smaller, but also more potent for two reasons, one you only need to take a lesser amount, and two because you’ve added more time and heat to the process bringing the potency up and the volume and dose down…

    Enjoy all 👍🏽

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