47 Commentaires

  1. How did yall figure all of that out? Was it a few tests runs? Like for real that is amazing with all the things you can turn thc into. I'm barely making simple syrup and trying to figure out what can I add in it to make it stronger

  2. Trust me it’s a art form u have to be slow gentle and the end product will make u 10 to 100 fold return on ur profit the press pays for itself in one use maintain clean keep everything good try for no blow outs and it’s way stronger to get extracts best diamonds come from sift or bubble haha and sift is easier to obtain and u get full profit got to Fred Myers and get the 10 buck sifter and a baking pan u can press imidiatly after and cure that rosin in a easy bake oven then u got the rosin diamonds no Chem added and fuckkk it’s best smoke I’ve ever had and tastes like the plant to a amazing degreee mmmmmmm

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