46 Commentaires

  1. Right On Brother. 😎👍
    I did exactly as you Instructed
    and rolled an absolutely beautiful
    looking KING SIZE JOINT!!!
    No more pipe,this is better..my
    weed smokes nicer plus I don't
    hack my guts out. Thanks so

  2. Fuck all these haters. I was looking for a tutorial of someone using a roller exactly how I use it to send my girlfriend. Because I don’t want her to get the tight runny joints you will get from watching any other tutorial.

    The two key points in this video were: packing down the weed to make sure it is even and the proper amount, and only doing one full rotation with the bud and 1-2 rotation once the paper is completely in the machine.

    This will keep it from getting so tight that it gets the signature curve. Those barely get you high cus they are so tight. More people need to see this video

  3. @Canadian Cannabis  Don't listen to all these people jumping on here being keyboard insult jockeys 🙄
    While the joint is skinny you did a fantastic job describing how the roller worked and how you're supposed to use it. Thank you for your effort into this video and keep it up!

    Also if anyone wants to know; RAW rollers seem to roll fatter joints from what I've seen.

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