For the third episode of the barcelona club tour series, I wanted to check out one of the most iconic clubs of all time, the plug bcn. Check on YouTube
How did you grind it up so fine? I've tried and it just doesn't seem to ever come out like that still kinda fluffy. Do I just have to grind for awhile longer?
How do people roll with the roach in. I roll weird asf I cone it fat end right hand smaller end left hand. Then I have to poke the roach in which is a pain in ass sometimes. Especially when it's really coned and all the paper is fckked inside.
You have to change your gronder for another model like aluminium model that Will grind lot better that this stupid plastic grinder that change weed in dust !!
two things to improve your roll 1. never twist the top, pinch and turn, twisting the end can condense some product around the edges at the end and cause a slow burn or sidey 2. tap it face up roach down on the table afterwards, as this causes granular convection which allows the smaller chunks to sink to the bottom and larger bits to go to the end of the joint, this makes for a more even smoke throughout and better airflow, then you can pack the end if its needed (only shake the joint if youd resign yourself to shaking babies) other than that looks like a really good roll n smokes very nicely
This why young kids get there selfs in trouble because they follow people just like you cause teaching them how to roll and smoke weed as well OMG 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
I've struggled making spliffs for so long I watched this one-time thought go on then Tried it and there it was in all its glory I had to add a little extra and pack it down did the burning to get the ring and had a very good 20 minutes while cooking some pasta
From someone that been smoking since 15, u get a PASS on How to roll! One thing though, can you roll straight without a filter? It has to pull from tip to tip with a ring on it and obviously no cris.
Heat rises. The resin ring comes from your cherry heating the thc which lowers the viscosity making it more fluid but not boiling and it soaks through your paper. The ring is so even because of your meticulousness. It doesn't happen when the heat from the cherry isn't rising through the bud raising the temperature of thc.
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How did you grind it up so fine? I've tried and it just doesn't seem to ever come out like that still kinda fluffy. Do I just have to grind for awhile longer?
Tip: if your joint is too tight and not toking, pull the roach out a little bit
Bruhhh you make it look so easy
Simple science as well drew, heat rises so the ember from the ash is heating up the bud above it causing the sticky oil
Opposite for me, absolute minimum card/blockage on the roach makes a joint taste so much better & pull clean
How do people roll with the roach in. I roll weird asf I cone it fat end right hand smaller end left hand. Then I have to poke the roach in which is a pain in ass sometimes. Especially when it's really coned and all the paper is fckked inside.
You have to change your gronder for another model like aluminium model that Will grind lot better that this stupid plastic grinder that change weed in dust !!
The perfect joint roll video.
pretty much figured out the same technique over the years, although not the lighting technique.
rolled it exactly … top smoke
Thank you very much❤️
I just make a joint so Much good
Just what i wanted 🥺 Enjoying very much
That ash is beautiful what are u smokin
Look at that joint.. bruh want to kill himself
two things to improve your roll
1. never twist the top, pinch and turn, twisting the end can condense some product around the edges at the end and cause a slow burn or sidey
2. tap it face up roach down on the table afterwards, as this causes granular convection which allows the smaller chunks to sink to the bottom and larger bits to go to the end of the joint, this makes for a more even smoke throughout and better airflow, then you can pack the end if its needed (only shake the joint if youd resign yourself to shaking babies)
other than that looks like a really good roll n smokes very nicely
Great that you care about smokers
If you get the process wrong you have waisted your money for sure.
I still can’t do it 😂
you have magic hands
nugs bruv
jeeez i get 4 joints from a gram! 😂 …i do use tobacco with it mind!
You have pokimon ears
This might be the smoothest rolll up I've seen
Anyone else mastered rolling joints but still watches videos on how to roll when bored
looks so good the ash looks fake
This is how most of us in my country roll our joints. It’s really easy.
Used this video to start rolling a year ago and I understand the skill to make a J that nice 😂
brooo that tip is fill with weed kief bro thats farrrr from perfect
Works perfect
I'm smoking mids
im 36 and let me tell you….if you need 1.2 gr, your lungs are full of crap. I can be fully high on a few proper tokes. You re burning away 80% of it.
Does grinding remove seeds as well?
I can’t roll for shit I only use bongs
The resin ring thing happens because heat rises so if you hold it up side down the heat will move up into the J
This why young kids get there selfs in trouble because they follow people just like you cause teaching them how to roll and smoke weed as well OMG 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
probably should add 'buy decent bud' not some shit that grinds up bad
That’s beautiful
9 min for a rolling vid wow…
I think you should try hash 😏🍫
I've struggled making spliffs for so long I watched this one-time thought go on then Tried it and there it was in all its glory I had to add a little extra and pack it down did the burning to get the ring and had a very good 20 minutes while cooking some pasta
aint lookin perfect bro
wow 1.2 is also my size. 😥
From someone that been smoking since 15, u get a PASS on How to roll! One thing though, can you roll straight without a filter? It has to pull from tip to tip with a ring on it and obviously no cris.
Heat rises. The resin ring comes from your cherry heating the thc which lowers the viscosity making it more fluid but not boiling and it soaks through your paper. The ring is so even because of your meticulousness. It doesn't happen when the heat from the cherry isn't rising through the bud raising the temperature of thc.
Heat rises so when u hold it upside down the heat rises and causes the kush to release resin while it heats up from you holding it upside down