44 Commentaires

  1. Blunt spray is cool but it’s easy to over due, sometimes it’s more sus if your room just all of a sudden smells like baby wipes or baby powder and there’s no candles, just be smart, I use a fan and one of those wax scents

  2. Me and my friend smoked and she started getting paranoid bc her mom was on the way 😭😭so I put bacon on the stove and burned it and the whole house smelt like burnt food me and my friend went straight to sleep

  3. I get high at home with parents, what i do in my room is, close my door (i have no lock), put a towel underneath the door, play music so you can hear the bong rip, either have a scented candle lit or air freshener which works super well maybe its just a good brand idk, have my window open and blow it right out, ceiling fan on, whenever im not actually ripping though i stop music so i can hear just in case anyone coming near my room. i have a bad realtionship with my folks so they never come to my room they just yell and tell me to come but evem that is rare. and mr room is at the end of he house and theres a hallway with a loud sliding door so if they open it i have enough time nto jump up and stand by my door and not let them in and say im getting changed, or put my cupboared against the door and if they ask why i say i moved it so i could clean under it. never been caught

  4. I keep my weed in a container in one of my dirty shoes that nobody wants to go near! Lol it's worked for me this far but i there are tons of people in my house so it's hard to smoke inside or even sneak out and smoke it outside for that matter. I live in a basement and there are no windows…. Do y'all think it's safe to smoke where I live?

  5. turn the air conditioner on, close de door, cover the gap under the door with a towel or something, turn the fan on, open the window and sit right next to the window to smoke, at least that's what i do and it works, because all the air inside the room gets out through the window, including the smoke.

  6. Just started watching you.. I was blazed and didn't realize until half way through that you're wearing a funhaus T.

    Instant subscribe. Not just that you're a fan but that you supported them.

    As a brand new smoker at the age of 29, I'm a new sub from BC Canada. Cheers

  7. I only pack enough weed in a bowl so I can burn it all leaving nothing lit trailing out the bowl, then I blow it into a smokebuddy. I guarantee there will be no smoke if you do it properly.

  8. Really enjoyed how you covered a lot of aspects of ways to cover up smell my favorite is the bathroom fan like you said or a closed off closet and let it just sit and evaporate with a towel under the door and let just sit for a while that's always worked for me

  9. Something I always do , is I may take a table spoon or two of butter and put it in a sauce pan with some salt and pepper and walk it around the house like one lap when it's sizzling and you'll be straight it'll just smell like food

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