36 Commentaires

  1. Is the honey bee propolis the one that says throat spray? It’s the only spray I’m seeing when looking it up. Want to make sure I’m getting the correct bottle for my pup who has been licking her under side and scooting a little 🤔

  2. @VeterinarySecrets Any idea why a big male dog is expressing his anal glands in the middle of the night with no stressors to set him off or startle him at all? I do believe there is licking involved. Could really use your help here. I took notes on your recommendations and will be implementing them on said dog. Thank you for all the wonderful, highly effective remedies you provide us with❣️😊💜

  3. While I feel very confident that I could express the glands on my Shichon if she needed it, I can 💯 say there is no way my 13 lb sweet girl would appreciate me poking my gloved finger into her anus. My pup gets some great walks (healthy for her and me), but I’ll add some ground flax in her food. She rarely scoots her bum around so I’m thinking she’s okay 🤞🏼 (for now). You sniffing Tula’s little bum = priceless. She sure is a great patient.

  4. Worldwide viewers, this Vet is naturopathic in his approach and is excellent. Please subscribe
    He is from British Columbia in Canada, that leans more naturopathic. Govt needs to support these University trained vets who also learn good less intrusive methods, when appropriate.

  5. Dr Jones. My dog she's 13 years old. Malamute. Lately she struggles to get up. She does have fatty limps. I try to push her over, but she got aggressive towards me. What can I do?

  6. Hey Doc, is it possible my dog just has occasional "itchy butt"? Never has stinky smell. And I try to express maybe every other bath. Seems totally OK back, but does scoot maybe 1 or 2 x a week.

  7. the look Tula gave you @1:37 priceless 🙂 Dr Jones Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us. It has been valuable to me and my pup age 6 🙂 He had both glands expressed. the most recent just before Christmas. He's still scooting?. I bought Glandex and give him a half nugget every night, It helps him a lot. He scoots when He doesn't get the glandex. Is flax seed recommended for a dog who must avoid grain. Thank You

  8. Dr Jones, we think you are absolutely WONDERFUL. You have helped us in a bad situation so many times. The way you make your videos help us search very fast when we are hurried to find a solution. Thank you

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