36 Commentaires

  1. What about if we do have bags. And the molds. ? Shouldn't u guys have a video of using all your pre press molds with your bags like every other rosin machine company? I'm really confused on half your YouTube choices tbh.

  2. Tip: When you screw press your puck, heat your puck up in the small screw up press for three to five minutes, nice and hot/warm, then take it out and press it right away in your rosin press machine. This definitely "ups" the rosin output considerably. Try it and see.

  3. I just bought this mold press and every time I pre press bud in it and use the Smasher mini, my bud just comes squished from under the plates and ruins my yeild. Am I using too much force? Is there certain pressing technique im missing? why doess this keep happening??

  4. I have an important question that absolutely no one is answering. How much strength would you say is needed to pull the lever? I see men using a lot of muscle on many manual (and even hydraulic) presses, but it didn't look like you needed to.

    I am a woman, so naturally weaker than you. Top that with partial disability, causing limited mobility and very limited strength. I cannot lift more than 30 lbs., 40 if I'm lucky, and generally keep my lifting below 20-25 lbs. to prevent exacerbating pain/mobility issues. I've also considered a pneumatic press, but that is a lot more expensive as well as more complicated tech (I'm a dummy when it comes to most machinery! lol), and then there's the requirement for more space for an air compressor.

    I really want to just go with a "plug and play" manual press, but of course don't want to buy something I cannot use. I should be ready to purchase by the 1st of next month, and am still completely unsure whether this is what I should get.

    Not being in my situation, I understand that you won't likely have a definitive answer, but I'm hoping for just a ballpark figure guesstimate on strength required to manage this press lever without me having to rely on other people for pressing.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  5. do you press for a shorter time with less material? I noticed on your other video you recommend 150 seconds, if my math servers me right this one was about 80 seconds. I'm not sure if it's the increased temp or the less material.

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