32 Commentaires

  1. Yo I’ve been watching for a while and to see u having a maybach is the most motivating thing ever I’m so proud of you and thanking you for all the content beautiful car hope u love it

  2. Could we kinda of see a full depth review of the car and u also hotbox it and hell yeah 🎉❗️❗️ good fucking earned that shit x10 over congratulations!!!!! 🎉

  3. Holy shit congratulations, crazy to see how far an iphone and a joint and a shit ton of hard work can get you. Glad to say I've been a long for the ride the whole way🔥🔥

  4. I love you man… been watching for years…. but your clearly doing something sketchy to be making this much money and it’s not good to be flexing it like your doing. That’s an expensive fucking car when you do nothing but move back n forth in it. Your doing things for your image and your ego and I’m seeing that. And I’m liking your content less and less. I’m an OG fan. But like.. man what the hell is going on. We don’t need all this random shit to be impressed we like watching you smoke weed. Idk… maybe I’m trippin. Maybe I’m not. But that’s a $200,000 I’m fucking my fans over mobile.

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