40 Commentaires

  1. i'm 54 and promised to treat myself to one this year (after watching a few of your youtube vids testing product) – probs gonna give it a miss now , not into that subscription tosh 🙂

  2. “People on twitch are kids who CANNOT AFFORD a thc tester”

    the majority of twitch streamers are MILLIONAIRES! There is a lot of money in twitch !

  3. Tell em that it wasn’t part of the contract and you’ll have to go through legal action to sort it out ITHER that or youlll make a video to tell everybody how bad the company is and that they are a bunch of dicks using people and plus’s it sound sort of like some sort of blackmail type shit

  4. lol I was looking to buy it but then looked at the price, it is a joke. why would you test what you smoke like they are selling to weed connoisseurs. How much bud will will that buy lol.

  5. No stoner is gonna spend that much when they could just smoke a J and find out themselves. This is an example of non-stones starting a company while avoiding the main fact, no one watching a weed youtuber has 1,600 pounds laying around.

  6. Their pr team rlly needs to step up their game bahahahah😂😂😂 fucking microtransqctions for a thc tester💀 next off they'll add lootboxes! Every lootbox has a chance to give you an extra "Upgrade"😂😂😂

  7. If you didnt agree to exactly how many videos than they are stupid because technically they paid you for your services but gave you a product so they didnt have to pay the tax on so even if they brought you to court tell your lawyer its technically a gift in america possession is 9/10 of the law so it would drain them so much money and you keep the machine for them being so scummy

  8. More people on twitch are willing to pay for something than people on youtube lol, id tell them if they want it back and break your agreement then you can open a civil suit have them spend even more money give them an ultimatum

  9. Bro really like the Theory of this product and would definitely buy one can you tell me why there is some people online that are bad mouthing the product and saying it give inaccurate results???? Just a question as it’s hard to ignore bad reviews about a product like this that costs over £1000. Please let me know your thoughts I’m interested in cross testing the results with results from other methods of testing.

  10. I hear both sides and DEFINITELY understand the annoyance of having to send the product back after the invested “TIME”.. BUT the big mistake Drew made in my humble opinion was NOT selling the device, go into detail how to use the device, why you should buy the device but his focus & curiosity was JUST on the buds and their THC value and NOT showing peeps why they should consider buying it??.. people might just think hes doing market research 4 himself / the company etc..

    I defo think Drew prob had “selling the product itself” lined up and just needed that upload “time” maybe. The company should of given him a little more time to get everything spot on.. His content is EXCELLENT 👊🏽..

  11. Just because people have a business don't mean their not a**holes,and just want free publicity.I'm speaking of those that sent the product,not PS themselves.But i wouldn't have sent it back after insulting you and your subscribers.

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