42 Commentaires

  1. Mated can I just say thanks for the pure inspiration I haven’t skated since I was like 10 n really wanted to get back into it after watching some of your ig stories but didn’t know if I’m too old and shit to learn yo respect bro

  2. I’ve been skating like a few times a month for about half a year, at the beginning I could barely Ollie, now i can heelflip, boardslide consistently and sometimes nose slide, and this video has seriously inspired me to keep trying since I haven’t been out skating for a long ass time, so this week I’m gonna work on tres and varials and I ain’t gonna stop till I get en. Cheers drew

  3. Sup dude my name is also Drew aha but I've taken a long break from skating after an Injury. But I'm back on the deck. I live in a town called Northampton. We have a good concrete park radlands plaza. I do all sorts of skating I can skate street as that's what I grew up doing but I am moving to new adventures like pool/bowl skating.

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