38 Commentaires

  1. Great acting thought it was far fetched uk go us lol 😂 I do think you could get to Wales or Scotland next day delivery if you get posted just before they close the mailing shop

  2. the minute they try to lift the box you would of fell out the bottom, it would take more imagination, you would need to construct a wooden box and have some food also water, a bottle to pee in, if you need a shit use doggy bags, then cover the wooden box in a cardboard box and put removalable air hole in the wooden box so if they look into the handle hole all they see is wood ect and a bit a packaging between the box and cardboard box ect and you would have to open the airhole while in transit, you could make out the box contains a mummified body IE incase they x-ray the box,,, not sure on the laws to send things like that but i do believe it could be possible to mail yourself somewhere and get an small oxygen tank incase you need it ect,,, if done the right way i believe that anything is possible,,, it just takes clever planning and thought,,, do a trial run from london to scotland in a box ect and see if you can handle that before you get posted off as it could take weeks depending on the way you send it ect and most cargo is x-rayed so you gotta get round that part ect,, hence why i mention mummified body from the old days but again it is down to what they can and can't send also sending it to a museum would look better and back up the mummyfied body ect,,, and imagine climbing out at the other end to the surprise of the staff while you try to run away but your legs will be cramped so you got a lot of work and thinking to do this but i really think it could be done,,, also smoking weed gave you away lol,,, the post office also use sniffer dogs so i think it is near to impossible but again if done the right way ect you could achieve the journey but not with weed ect as that is fucking dumb

  3. fcuk me i am a done twat i was like to my wife og he,s doing it i can hear the plane u totally had me but i am middle aged and have a well fired brain from to many years of lets say stuffs lol

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