27 Commentaires

  1. 🔥Big thanks to LUNACY for setting this up!! 🔥

    Win a packet of space papers here!: bit.ly/LuncayPapers

    SMOKING THE SPACE JOINT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xJPZGhsvE0

    Make sure to check out the DrewIsStreaming channel


    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/drewissharing

    Discord: https://discord.gg/6CFYhBK

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrewIsSharing

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drewissharing

  2. Love the idea of you going to some farmer and saying "yooo we just sent a joint up to space and it came down and landed on your crop field, mind if we just quickly boost in and pick it up"

  3. Sent it to space but brought it back???? The aliens shared moon rocks with us, but we can't share earth rocks with them? I say give the aliens ganja!!!!!

  4. Imagine you're the guy that fell for the give me your £20 and wait around the corner I'll be back in ten minutes trick.
    And then this lands in front of you…
    … From space xD

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